For a long time I've been in a dream, a dream to follow beyond my heartless imagination.
Why? I'm still finding who I really truly am and how to love myself more; more than the relationships I've came across I think about how I express myself as an "underground poet" of who I am,
One day you'll look back in need of one of my poems to quote by, I call myself an outcast because I don't pay attention to what society does.
I'm in my own world where I can take out all of the negativity and put newer benefits in, I can't wait to make my comeback & hurt the people who abandoned me,
I'm not killing em with a gun
I'll kill em with the knowledge of my dream that I've been praying for.
But is it a dream or blessing?
Savage Laughter
KurzgeschichtenPoems & short stories about my life, society, darkness, sex & love