~Chapter Two~

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So, this must be the part where I tell you that I went and was taken in by this lovely couple and we ate gingerbread and sprinkles for breakfast, isn't it? Well tough shit, life isn't a fairytale, I can tell you that from experience. If you want to hear that version of the story, you can hop right on out of here. I'm going to make this clear, that sure as hell isn't happening here because even if this is a book, (pardon the noise in the background, that's just the fourth wall shattering) I'm not sugarcoating this.
The hard honest truth is, I knew that my parents' death wasn't an accident. I knew from a young age that my father's life choices certainly weren't the best, I just didn't know what he did. He always had extra money on hand even though he dropped out of high school. My parents both never worked a real job a day in their lives, I just always thought that it was like that for everyone. I grew up spoiled and rich and if I wasn't five at the time, I could've inherited their money. I basically had it all, they had my life paved out for me on a nice smooth highway all the way to where I could take over their 'business' whatever that business was.
     Unfortunately, I didn't have any other family to take me in so here I was, Starfawn Orphanage, home of the screwed over. Since I got there at the ripe age of 5, I never made any friends. I mean, would you be up to socializing right after your parents died? No, I didn't think so. So, basically for the first three years I was in that orphanage, I had no one. However, that all changed when I was nine years old. I was in the middle of my third year at Starfawn when this boy my age was brought here. His name was Trevor, we were best friends almost instantly. He's only a few months younger than me and he was almost like a younger brother. (A/N: my contacts are drying out in my eyes and I can't see shit) When he first got here we started hanging out and we talked about everything. Trevor had told me why he was here a few months after we first met.
July 18, 2005 Trevor was sitting on a swing at the park he knew all to well. He was watching the birds fly by and sing these sweet little songs as they looked over their babies. In the distance, Trevor heard a gunshot, he turned his head to see his mother and father, faces of pure fear, lying dead on the ground, blood pooling around their corpses. He looked over to see a man with a gun, a crazed smirk covering his face. He poked Trevor's parents with the butt of his gun, laughing when their limp bodies would move, almost like a small child playing with a rag doll. Trevor watched as his parents eyes drained lifeless and the man walk away, still cackling at the couples' misfortune.
     I will always remember the look Trevor gave me as he retold the story. It was almost inconceivable. I never knew that fear, anger, dismay, and sadness could ever fit together into one look... it was almost pitiful to see. So I looked after him, I knew he deserved a loving family, because that was exactly what he had lost, and he got it, 5 years later.

A/N: hi, so, I uploaded the second part cause I had it done already. I had to tweak some of it but, whatever. Hope you guys are enjoying the story!

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