~Chapter 3~

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(It's been awhile sorry :/)

     2010, the year of opportunity in the orphanage. At least four people were adopted into a loving home, not me of course, who would want a psychotic looking child going home with them? Well, the fifth person to be adopted was Trevor. In the 5 years he was here, I think he was definitely the favorite of the caretaker, Miss Maudie. I guess I never really told you about her. Miss Maudie is a down on her luck 39 year old woman. She's kind of chubby in a cute way but has the attitude of a(n?) opossum (A/N: an? The English language is not something to be reckoned with.) and she never got married as far as I know. She said that she planned on marrying into a rich family which is why she's working here, 'biding her time' as she tells us. She's strict but she cares and has at least a little sympathy. At least, she's not as bad as Mr Galdon, or Pastor Dom is what he makes us call him. He's the orphanage's religious psychologist. He believes that the higher power is testing our morality and will give us a better life if we 'give ourselves' to him. This, to me at least, sounds like an over glorified human trafficking campaign, but what do I know, I'm only a child. I asked Trevor about it, he said that if you believe then you have hope, and even if the hope's squashed later, you have it at the moment at least. I still think it's bullshit but oh well. Oh and before I get in to Trevor's adoption, I should probably mention what led up to this amazing plot line. So for the first 2 years Trevor was here we had one book, 'Holes', good book, gets boring after knowing it word for word. Then we got a radio, and everything changed. You see, I'm a huge conspiracy theorist and I love hearing controversial news stories, so it was right up my ally when Nate Bradly, the news anchor, started talking about how NASA was working on robots that could think for themselves. Now, you may think, 'Wow! Self aware robots! Technology is so cool!' but my mind went right to 'Oh god no people aren't smart enough for that! Oh god we're biting off way more than we can chew.' and spoiler, I was right. So every Tuesday, Trevor and I would tune into Bradly's news channel to hear the latest update on these bots and then discuss the worst possible endings to this phenomenon, usually ending in awful, fiery death. So there's the backstory for you, now back to 2010, the year I lost the closest thing I had left to family to the Glorians, the richest family in the United States. That's when shit went down.

Hey look, Elise is back! I've been inactive for awhile because I've been lazy and tired and unmotivated like I usually am. But now I'm procrastinating summer school by writing! Wooo. This is already 513 words I'm gonna skedaddle (that's such a weird word) bye!
        ~Elise :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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