#1~The Past is The Past

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     'Alice. Wake up! Wake up you brat!' I squeezed my eyes shut.

     'Alice I know you are awake....If you don't come out then you know what will happen to your parents' It said.

     'Leave them alone!' I grabbed the closest thing next to me, which happened to be a empty wine bottle. ' I'll hurt you' I threatened.

     'Not before I hurt you first' It said. Suddenly I was in my bed . I looked up and saw....my parents, their mouths wide open. Then I felt something hit my face. It wasn't like a slap, but like a droplet. I reached out and touched it. It was indeed a liquid. I brought my fingers to my face to see what it was.

     I put my fingers in my mouth and tasted the red liquid. I instantly tasted metal, iron, this is blood, supposibly my parent's. More blood fell on my face.

     Soon, the mansion erupted in flames all around my bed. My mother's silky blond hair started to burn to ashes, while my father's pressed black suit and beautiful face become nonexistent.
I wasn't screaming, but wheezing. Oh-No! My asthma's acting up again!

     I ran to the exit of my chambers, and tried the handle of  the blasted door. Locked. Like always. I ran to the opposite of the door. The window.  I went to my desk in the corner of my room, grabbed the gracefully aged lamp, and threw it at the window. The shattered glass fell to the floor, leaving a clear exit. I ran to the window, nightgown blowing with the midnight air. With one last look up I jumped.

Dream End

     I sat up in a cold sweat. The salty substance dripping everywhere in my body. I was also in a pool of sweat.

     "Good morning, young mistress." My twin servants said.

     "Not particularly 'good'." I said.



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