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                    It would haunt me forever. It will never go away.  All the nightmares. All the visions. All the voices. All the threats. They will stick with me and my problems until I am nothing but ashes or my soul is stolen from me as well.

                   I don't want to let down mummy or daddy but the demons won't let go. I am bound to the pits of hell.

                   My demons are shouting for help. They won't stop until I help them but I can't, I'm just a helpless human. People say that the eye is the window to the soul. I'm sorry but my eyes are tainted with demon filth.

                   I quickly stopped daydreaming, noting that Veronica and Andy were staring at me with interest. God these demons are creepy. Ugh.

                   "Are you two going to stand there and stare at me?" I asked sarcastically. "Apologies, young mistress." The twins said, frazzled. They knew what would happen if I had gotten angry.

                    "Young mistress, would you like a scone or a biscuit for your afternoon snack?" Andy said. Ah yes, Andy loves to plan ahead. "I want the scone this time." I answered.

                    "For today's schedule, you have your meeting with Sir Alexander IV, your walk with Samuel, your betrothed, finally you have your meeting with the Queen." Andy said.

                    While Andy was speaking, Veronica was digging through the wardrobe. Finally, she found a elegant white and gray gown. Andy left, leaving Veronica and I.

                    Veronica came over with my corset, dress, and gray accessories. She came behind my and pulled the black lace slip off. She quickly wrapped the white lace corset around me and grabbed the ribbon and pulled tight. I sucked in a breathe, feeling trapped by the tight clothing. "Young mistress, it'll be alright, you are safe, it's not a cage, it's just a cloth. Nothing will happen" Veronica reassured. Veronica knew of the thoughts that were swimming around my head. After all she in the audience of my first meltdown.


                    I awoke with a scream escaping my lips. Veronica kicked the door, breaking the lock, me seeing her leg up to her waist in a defense stance and her raven black hair cascading down her back in big, bouncy curls. "Young mistress! What's wrong?!" She asked. I sobbed loudly, waking everyone in the estate. She came up to me and hugged me in a comforting way.

                    I soon calmed down to where I could actually speak. "Please dress me now." I said, wiping the tears from my eyes.

                    She quickly followed orders, wrapping the corset around my slender waist. She grabbed the ribbons. Without warning, she tugged the gray ribbons tight. My breathing caught in my throat. My mind flashed to when those men abused me, chained me down, injected me with drugs, and-

                    Before I knew it a scream escaped my lips. Suddenly there was foot steps bounding on the wooden floor if my mansion. Andy was at the door of my chambers looking around, frantic. The corset had long fell to the floor, next to the bed. Veronica was hugging me from behind tightly, tears falling from her eyes in streams. "Young mistress! I am sorry." Veronica said.

                    Why was Veronica crying? I had soon stopped screaming after Andy had showed up. The estate was deathly quiet. Henry, Ivy, and Anna were at the entrance of my chambers. Not one person spoke a word, probably in shock of my meltdown and constant pain-filled screams.

            *Flashback over*

                    By now I figured out why Veronica was crying. She was crying because she explained that she saw me her little sister. When she said that, Andy pouted. Of course, I giggled at the demon's actions.

                    Oh those demons.....


                                Alright, that's your delivery order, one chapter. The day that I updated this chapter is Friday, Friday is going to be the update day. Watch for next Friday for update. I know it was a short chapter, but I wanted to have a short chapter then have a long chapter.  

        October 15, 2016 

681 Words

That Sad Purple EyeWhere stories live. Discover now