It's About Time (Cute)

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You're a senior in highschool and you're really popular. You have so many friends but only one that's been there for a long time. His name is Austin. You've known each other since 4th grade and you guys automatically became best friends. Most people always think that just because you're friends with a guy then that means you like him. That's different with you and Austin. Austin is like a very protective brother and you can admit that yes you have had feelings for him at one point but the only thing stopping those feelings is the thought of losing him completely. You sometimes think to yourself: "What if I told him?" "What if this ruins us?" for 3 years you've felt something more towards Austin but you never wanted to risk the tight relationship you guys shared since you were 9. The best thing to do is to hide the way you truly feel.

Every Friday night you, Austin, Zach, Alex, and Robert always go over to Austin's house and sit and watch movies or play games. Tonight was going to be a little bit different because none of the guys were able to make it. They were all busy. It was just going to be you and Austin and you were kinda happy even though it's not like you've never been alone with your best friend before. You got a text from Austin that said "Hey I going 2 pick u up in about 30 minutes." You replied with "Kk. Great." You sat down your phone and changed into some comfortable clothes. You threw on a light blue areopostale shirt, gray sweatpants, and your light blue vans. You finished up by straightening your hair and putting on Austin's black beanie that he left at your house the night before. You sat downstairs on the couch with your iPhone logged into Twitter. You looked and saw that #(Y/N)FollowMe was trending so while waiting for Austin you were tweeting some of Austin's Mahomies and Following them back.

After following about 150 people you got a call from Austin.

You: Hello?

Austin: Hey I'm outside.

You: Alright I'll be right out.

You hung up and got off the couch. You grabbed your keys and phone then walked out the door locking it behind you. You smile at Austin and hop in his red range rover. 

Austin: So I called Alex and him and Robert might be able to make it but they're not sure. Idk about Zach.

You: Oh. So for right now it's just me and you.

Austin: Pretty much *smiles*

You guys soon pull up to Austin's place. As you're both walking through the door your phone rings. Its Robert.

You: Hey.

Robert: Wassup (Y/N) are you already at Austin's?

You: Yeah why what's up?

Robert: Um.. me and Alex are on our way. We finished the videos early so yeah.

You: *smiles* yeah that's great well I'll see you when y'all get here. Bye

Robert: Bye.

You end the call. Knowing that Robert and Alex were going to be there too was kinda a sign of relief. You were just having mixed emotions about being alone with Austin. Austin was in the kitchen getting drinks and food. While you were sitting on the couch thinking.

Austin: The guys are coming over?

You: Yeah. Just Robert and Alex. They said they're on their way.

Austin: *sighs* Oh. Ok.

You: You alright Austin?

Austin: Uh, yeah I'm fine.

You: You're lying -.-

Austin: I'm fine (Y/N) its ok :)

You grin then hear the doorbell ring. You walk up to go answer it as Austin sets down some popcorn and water bottles on the coffee table. You open the door and see Alex then Robert walk up behind him. They walk in the house and Robert closes and locks the door. Alex gives you a hug and so does Robert then they say hi to Austin. 

Robert: Yo we should play truth or dare.

Alex/You: No...

Austin: We really should. C'mon guys it'll be fun.

You: Fine..

Alex: Sure.

You guys began the game and it started off with Austin daring Alex.

Austin: I dare you to go in my mom's closet put on one of her dresses and a pair of heels then take a picture and tweet it with the caption "Thought it was time for a change."

Alex: This is why I don't play this with you. Fine...

You all walk into Austin's mom's room and choose out an outfit for Alex. He slips it on then you take his picture. You all watch him tweet it and in seconds he got 2,000 retweets and favs. 

Robert: Now Austin I dare you and (Y/N) to make out for 4 seconds. 


You: So what movie should we watch?

Robert: Actually I do kinda wanna watch the conjuring. 

you get up and put the DVD into the DVD player. As the movie's been playing for about an hour Alex fell asleep on the floor and Austin fell asleep next to you on the couch. Robert slapped the back of Alex's head to wake him up and whispers: "Bro we gotta go its 1:00am." Alex gets up and They both give you hug and walk to the door. 

Robert: *whisper* I'll call you tomorrow.

You: Okay. See you guys later. 

They walk out and take off. You get tired and Austin took over the couch so you decided to go and sleep in his room. You're fast asleep until you get thirsty you tried to get up to go get a water. You feel someone's arms wrapped around you. You look over your shoulder to see Austin laying in bed with you and his shirt off. You smile and move his arm but he slowly woke up and sighed. 

Austin: Babe....

You: ???? 0.o whaaaaaaaat

Austin: Where you going?

You: Ummm. To get a drink.

Austin: Wait (Y/N) come here.

You: *Sit next to him* Yeahh?

Austin: I love you.

You: I love you too Austin(as a friend) but um are you ok?

Austin: Not really.

You: Why whats wrong?

Austin: You're not my girlfriend.

You: Ik that??

Austin: But I want you to be. I have for years now. Everything was just uh.. complicated.

You: *SMILE* Ummmm.... Austin.

Austin: Welllllllll.......

You: Well what?

Austin: Will you go out with me?

You: Idk I mean like I__________.......

Austin crashes his soft lips  on top of yours and you instanlty get butterflies. You've always waited for something like this to happen. That time finally came <3

Austin: How about now? Will you?

You: ......................Of course Austin. 

Austin: Thank god. I love you so much baby.

You: I love you too babe <3 <3 

Austin pulls you back down and kisses you. You then fall back asleep in your boyfriend's arms. You really felt like you were living in a fairy tale with Austin Mahone <3



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