5/26/16 4:44pm

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The sky's always intrigued me, on some level. There are an infinite amount of possibilities that lie beyond it, how can you not wonder? I find myself doing a lot of that lately, wondering. Things I don't understand, things I do, and everything in between.

Why did you leave me?

I was five years old

Just a child

And you left me without a second thought

I've never understood my father. Never understood a damn thing about him. He didn't give me a chance to find out. My mom didn't supply me with many answers, either. I'd try to push and she'd yell and be on the verge of tears before I would just drop it and leave the room, feeling just as confused and even more alone. I spend so much time alone, just me and my thoughts. Which is partly why I spend so much time thinking about the sky. Sunsets and sunrises are truly a blessing for me. I can never decide which I enjoy more. Seeing the way the colors bleed into one another and the different hues and the way they come together in harmony as one makes my heart warm inside.


As she walked down the street she notices everything she's taken for granted in the past. The way the trees are a rich evergreen and the way the sky is such a clear, pale blue. The silence all around her was welcoming and really emphasized the surroundings even more. Flowers were in bloom, dogs were barking from various houses, nothing out of the ordinary. People might drive by and stare at her, but she didn't care. Sure, maybe it was weird to be taking a walk at 6:44pm on a Thursday night, but she didn't care. Spending time by yourself truly thinking and reflecting is good for you, good for the soul. The sun was intense, but the occasional breeze was appreciated and welcomed.


It's kind of hard to walk down the side of the road, both headphones in and pretend you're in a music video. I don't see how anyone does it. For one, the cars driving by constantly are just so loud it's kind of hard to block out the noise and focus on the music. I wish life was like it is in the music videos, there's always a simple basis plot, it plays out whatever it may be and all this happens while a catchy tune plays in the background.


How is it you can live in a small, little neighborhood your whole life and not truly know what you surround yourself with? There are likely tons of streets near you that you don't have a clue are named. Tons of people you live by that you've never met. Isn't it strange, all of the unknown?

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