Little Black Dress ~Harry Styles

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A/N hey whats up guys? Heres my first fanfiction. I hope you like it.


"Hey." My best friend Rhylee said as I walked into the school. It was our first day back after summer vacation. We were going into our senior year in high school.

"Hi. What did you do for most of the summer?" I asked her.

"Well, dont be mad but..." she trailed off. God I hate it when she just stops in the middle of her sentence. Its like my biggest pet-peeve!

"But what? And stop stopping the middle of your sentence! You know haten it when you do that!" I said a little louder then I meant to. startling her a little bit.

"Well... my family and i went to London for a little while andy parents wouldnt let me invite you to come with us. And i went to see... One Direction in concert. It was AMAZAYN! I really wish I would have been able to invite you with me!" She spat out all in one breath. Im supprised she got that much out in that small of a breath.I gasped.

"Oh you lucky little thing! Why wouldnt your parents let you unvite me?" I asked.



"Mum, Dad, can I invite Ashley to go with ud to London and see One Direction? Please?" I asked. Since we lived in Gent Valdaareren. Thats like 4 hours away. So she honestly probably would be nonstop talking.

"Ashley?" Dad asked I nodded.

"No." They both said in unison.

"Bu t why not?" I whined. "She lives them just as much as me. Infact even more." I whinedv again. Okayvu gotta stop this whining or no matter what theyll say no.

"Because if shes worse than you she wont stop bugging us and itll be so annoying!" Mum said. Well that was harshly put.

"But, but, but, but..." I said.

"Shell be far too annoying it was hard enough buying them for you in the first place." Dad said

*end of flashback*

"No idea." I said I hate lying to her since shes like an older sister to me. Im an only child so sjesc the closestvi have to a sibling, which is exactly why im sparring her feelings for her.

"Aww... well... was it good?... Wait who am I kidding this is ONE FUCKING DIRECTION were talking about of course it was good!" She said I was kind when she asked that atbfirst but then she corrected herslefc and it wad all good.

"It was AWESOME!" I said

"Explain every little detail!" Shev said to meband I was about to but thev bell rang for us to go to our first hour period. Mine was Social Studies. Oh I hated Social Studies. Its myvworst subject. Ashley's first hour was Literature. Her best. We didnt have any classes together.

"Meet up at lunch?" She asked.

"Course!" I replied and from then on I had 5 hpues of boringness.

Little Black Dress ~Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now