Chapter 1

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"I've had enough trouble for a lifetime." As Harry said those words, he realised that for the first time in his life, he could look forward to being normal. He was no longer The Chosen One, or The Boy Who Lived. He was just Harry Potter and he had just defeated the darkest wizard of all time, Lord Voldemort. As he, Ron and Hermione walked past the stone gargoyle, Harry was beginning to feel a little light headed and unbeknownst to him, so were Ron and Hermione. They had not slept for almost 48 hours, and were long overdue on some rest.

"I think I'm ready for a really long kip in the dormitory. What do you reckon, Harry?" asked Ron with his arms around Hermione, who was struggling to even walk.

"Definitely. We can answer the questions from your family tomorrow. I don't think I am in any state to give a long- winded explanation right now." said Hermione as she leaned against Ron for support, clearly exhausted.

Although Harry would have like nothing better than to go to the boys dormitories in Gryffindor Tower and sleep for the next week, he knew he had to do one thing that could not wait.

"You guys go ahead. I'll catch up", Harry said, his mind fixated on one person he had to see. Ginny. If anybody, he owed her a full explanation as to why he had so unceremoniously dumped her and run off.

Realising what Harry meant, they turned on their heel to follow him.

"We're coming too mate. And don't mess around with Ginny's feelings again. If you want her, tell her truth and apologise, or I'll pound you so that you can join up with your best mate Voldemort", said Ron with a small smirk on his face.

Harry had no choice but to afford a small smile at his comment. "Don't worry. I have no intention of screwing around with her. This time, I'm planning on staying with her forever." said Harry, giving Ron a light clout on the shoulder.

Hermione gave him a smile before saying "Let me and Ron go ahead and tell the others. Put on your invisibility cloak if you don't want to cause a commotion in the Great Hall". He gave Hermione a nod and let the new couple go on ahead.

Slipping on his invisibility cloak, Harry made his way down to the Great Hall, taking in the destruction around him. Rubble and debris from the battle lay strewn across the floor, serving as a grim reminder of what had been lost. So many people's lives lay shattered because of what Voldemort had done and so many precious lives had been lost. And it was all his fault. If only Harry could have found the Horcruxes sooner, so many lives could have been saved. Those most dear and near to him had died, all because of him. Remus, Tonks, Fred, Colin and so many others had lost their lives. His very own godson was now an orphan. Feelings of guilt overtook him as he entered the Great Hall. Instead of rejoicing, most of the people there were in mourning. But Harry only had eyes for one person.

Ginny was angry, sad and frustrated. She had been asking around for the whereabouts of Harry, but nobody knew where he was. She felt so angry at him,letting her think that he was dead. She knew he probably had his reasons, but Ginny could not help but feel angry. She sat there at the senior end of the Gryffindor table with her family, trying to comfort George who was feeling lost in the world without Fred. Just as she looked up, she saw Ron and Hermione enter the hall. But Harry was not with them. Seeing them, she jumped up and rushed towards them.

"Where's Harry? Why is he not with you? Is he okay?" she asked, her voice full of concern, all her previous anger at Harry suddenly forgotten.

Placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, Ron said "Don't get your wand in a knot, he's right behind us. He didn't want to cause an uproar in the Hall, so he's under the cloak."

As Ron had been saying this, Harry had walked around Ron and Hermione to go behind Ginny to whisper in her ear.

"Ginny I really need to talk to you, alone. Ron and Hermione will explain everything to your parents. Just please come with me." Harry's tone was pleading now, at the brink of begging.

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