Chapter 5

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Not knowing where Ginny had run off to, Harry slipped out the moleskin pouch he always carried with him and took out the Marauder's Map to look for Ginny. Her dot was moving towards the lake, so Harry tucked the map back inside his pouch and took off for the lake as fast as his legs could carry him.

Ginny, on the other hand was infuriated at Harry's insolence. She had just endured a full nine months of torture, both physical and emotional, and now all Harry wanted to do was run off with the Aurors while she spent another year at Hogwarts? She had tried to be reasonable when she heard that that Harry wanted to join up with the Aurors, but her feelings of anger had overcome her and she had shouted at Harry. Now, as she sat on the edge of the lake with her feet ankle- deep in the cold water, she realised that shouting at Harry in front of both McGonagall and Kingsley may not have been the best course of action.

"Knut for your thoughts, Ginny" came a familiar voice behind her. There was the subject of her thoughts standing behind her, his facial expression revealing nothing of what was going on behind those bright green eyes of his.

Seating himself down beside Ginny, he took her hand in his and said "I understand how you feel about this, Ginny. But please be reasonable."

"I know I know" replied Ginny "I shouldn't have shouted at you but I was so angry. So are you still going to work for the Aurors?"

"Yes I am. I've got to finish it. There are still quite a few Death Eater's, and I need to find them and put them away before we have another Voldemort."

"But you said I could have you all to myself this summer. All that snogging..." replied Ginny a smile on her face. Hearing that, Harry laughed and pulled Ginny towards him and kissed her, stroking her back and taking in her flowery scent. Don't think kissing Ginny will ever get old, Harry thought as he pulled away, albeit reluctantly.

"I've got it all worked out. Kingsley wants Ron and I to become full Aurors as soon as possible, but I reckon we'll still need some training. Kingsley will be sending over some manuals for us to study over the summer and you and Hermione can help with that. We'll spend the summer together, and then you and Hermione will go off to

school while Ron and I can get started on getting those Death Eater bastards behind bars in Azkaban" said Harry softly, his arm still around Ginny's waist.

Hearing this, Ginny relaxed considerably and after pecking Harry on the lips, and stood up while extending her hand for Harry to take, saying "So you want to get some dinner? Bet Mum and the others are worried sick".

"You're not mad at me anymore? I would have expected the first Weasley to be born in 3 generations to be a bit more fiery" asked Harry, a playful grin plastered across his face.

"Ha ha, you're hilarious. Now come on hurry up, I'm starving" said Ginny sarcastically, her hands on her hips.

"Though you seem to have inherited the Weasley appetite" bantered Harry as he got up, dusted his robes and took Ginny's hand before following her to the Great Hall. For that statement, Harry got a smack on the arm from Ginny while they walked, taking in the destruction of the castle from the grounds.

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