chapter 6 ✦ let's make a deal

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I stood at the edge of Peter's grave with a white rose in my hand. I stared down at it and smiled. 

"My visions are real," I breathed out. I sat down on the ground and faced the headstone. "You're coming back. I don't know how I'm going to do it or when, but I will find a way," It was silent after that. I just sat there for a few minutes with him. There was no body in this ground. Just an empty grave and a lonesome tombstone. I stood up and leaned down, kissing it while also placing the rose on top. "I'll be back for you later," I turned around and left. I looked up at sky and I swear the Second Star to the Right winked at me. I smiled. I walked down the path until I heard voices. 

"I agreed to a drink, not a private graveyard tour" A whiny voice exclaimed. I hide behind a tree and peeked out onto the path to see Zelena with Regina except Regina was dressed differently. She was dressed more like the Evil Queen rather than her Storybrooke self. "Where are we going?" 

"You'll see," Regina smirked. They started to approach Regina's vault, but Zelena stopped, standing in front of Regina. 

"No. No way. I can't let you in there," Zelena snapped. 

"If Regina didn't want me to help myself to a few ingredients, she wouldn't have sealed the vault with blood magic," But she's Regina. What was going on? The vault opened and the doorway shimmered with a magic barrier. Regina and Zelena walked straight through. I looked back and forth, deciding to follow them since the spell was broken. I snuck into Regina's vault and headed down the stairs, hiding behind a wall.  

"And how do you know I won't tell her about this little field trip?" Zelena countered and I could feel Regina's smile. 

"Because you already would have," I peeked out from behind the wall and their backs were faced towards me. Regina walked to the magic mirror. 

"Why do you need more magic?" Zelena asked. 

"Because I already used everything that was in the dragon's shop to get to this pitiful little town," Regina explained. 

"What became of him?" 

"Let's just say he knew better than to get in my way," Regina and Zelena laughed. 

"Sounds nice for us all," Zelena sarcastically remarked and Regina turned around, causing me to duck behind the wall again. 

"You're worried I'm going to hurt my better half, aren't you?" She assumed. 

"It remains to be seen which half is better," Zelena snapped. Better half. 

"Well, relax," Regina smiled. "I'm going to use this to teach her a lesson. That she can never escape who she really is." 

"And what do I get out of it?" 

"A sister who appreciates delightly, malevolent qualities," Regina paused. "A sister just like you," At that time I heard a poof of magic and I peeked out to see that Regina was gone. Zelena stood there. I stood there with my back pressed against the wall for a moment until I flashed out of the vault, not wanting to be seen. I appeared in front of Granny's and walked up to the door. I pulled it open and the bell rang above the door. People looked at me in the entrance, but soon returned to talking and drinking. I spotted Henry and sat down on a stool next to him. 

"Hey kiddo," I patted his back and he gave me a smile. I looked down at the counter to see that he had his book out. It was opened to a story that I didn't recognize. He saw me staring and slid the book over to me. I flipped through the pages, but stopped when I got to my story. It showed me in a tall tree, looking over the island. I flipped the page again and my face fell. It was that signature picture of Peter and I. Henry saw my expression change. 

"What's wrong?" He asked and I shook my head, closing the book. 

"Nothing," I gave him a fake smile. I slid the book back over to him. He looked unconvinced. "Henry, I'm fine," He nodded, but still wasn't convinced. "Now why don't I buy you a hot cocoa with cinnamon?" He smiled and nodded. 


I held another white rose in my hand, making my way towards Peter's grave. I spotted his stone and dashed over there. 

"You seem in a hurry," I turned around and saw Peter staring at me over by a tree. I ignored him and continued to walk. "Long time no see, love." 

"I wish it was longer," I snapped and he laughed. I bent down in front of his grave and set the rose down. I felt him behind me. "Go away!" I turned to face him with tears running down my cheeks, but he was gone. Instead, Regina stood there in her fancy gown. Her hair was all done like before. "Oh, I'm sorry Regina, but I need to be alone," I looked away from her. 

"Not Regina, dear," She spoke in a sinister voice. My eyes darkened. "I'm just her better half," I stood up and used magic to make a sword appear in my right hand. I faced her and she smiled. "That's the bandit I know." 


"That's my secret," She pointed out and I rolled my eyes. "I couldn't help, but overhear your conversation. Of course, it was with yourself," I stayed silent. "I'm sorry about your husband, but to be completely honest, I never understood why you married a boy in tights," I went ballistic. I rose my sword and swung it at the Queen. A sword appeared in her hand and she blocked my blow. She started to laugh. "Do you really think that was going to work? We've faced each other many times. I know what to expect." 

"Leave if you know what's best for you," I threatened, holding my sword in it's place. 

"I'm here to fight you. I'm here to make a deal," She explained and I shook my head. "Perhaps I should sweeten the deal. If you help me, I'll give you exactly what you need to bring Peter back." 

"No," I instantly spat. 

"No? Riley, I know all about your visions. I'm your way to his resurrection," I lowered my sword. 

"Y-you're lying," I stuttered and she shook her head. 

"I'm telling the truth. I'd really like you to think about it," A cloud engulfed her and she was gone. 

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