chapter 11 ✦ tension

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Land of Untold Stories

We ran down the main corridor of Hyde's mansion, searching for an exit. I knew I should've listened to Ace from the start, but I was too ignorant to admit it. 

"This way," Ace grabbed my hand and pulled me around a corner. Before we even got a step in, we were stopped. A huge guard stood in the middle of the hallway, blocking the only exit that was in sight. Suddenly, Hyde stepped out with a smirk on his face. I ripped my hand out of Ace's grip and waved my hand over my scabbard. 

"Escape is futile," He spoke. "I've been nice thus far, which leaves me no choice," My eyebrows furrowed. He looked behind him. "Come out," Anxiety jumped inside me, but my eyes fixated on something else, or more like someone else. A boy walked out. I didn't recognize him at all. He was blonde with striking blue eyes. He was clothing that indicated that he was a peasant. Ace's face fell and her bottom lip trembled. 

"Ryan," She breathed out. He gave her a soft smile. From what I've heard, Ryan was dead. Killed by the Dark One sometime ago. He was one of the reasons Ace came to Neverland. "You're," She paused in shock, I gather. "Alive." 

"Ace, listen to me," I grabbed her arm and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "He's not real. This is a trick. I've seen it before." 

"Ace," Ryan spoke in a gentle voice. "I've waited forever to see you again."

"And you'll wait longer," I hissed at him. Ryan's face crept into a smile. 

"Riley, don't think I saved all the fun for Ace here. There's some for you," Hyde grinned. Suddenly, someone I haven't seen in a very long time made herself known. My mother. I was immediately transformed. Under a spell. My mouth gaped open and I couldn't speak. 

"Mum," Tears pricked in my tears. "You're not real." 

"Of course, I am, darling," She softly spoke. She lifted her hand for me to grab. "Come with mummy." 

"Riley, they're not real," Ace finally had some sense knocked into her, unlike me. "Your mum is dead. Rumpelstiltskin killed her. He killed both of them. Remember?" I shook my head, unsure. "Remember what he did to her? You told me," Ace went on, but I wasn't focused on her words until her next sentence. "He ripped her heart out and crushed it into ash," Vivid memories raced through my head of her. My father catching her in his arms and the look he gave me. The glare that would change my life forever. 


A ghost town is how I would describe Storybrooke. In those 5 days where I was locked in that hotel room, it had changed. People were hiding from the Queen, not Hyde anymore. Hyde was nothing compared to her. Simply a game piece on board of checkers. Jekyll and Hyde doomed themselves. I was glad I wasn't around to witness their demise. It would have caused me more worries about what could happen to this little town. Peter and I were late to meeting Emma and my father. I was always late, probably because I wasn't used to time. Time was never a factor in my life, especially on Neverland. Neverland. Boy, did I miss that place. I always wandered why the Author's curse affected me since I was another realm away. There wasn't any more beans in this world, so going back was hopeless. We walked up to Granny's and pushed the door open, the bell ringing in my ear. Emma and Dad sat over in a booth, on one side, the other reserved for Peter and I. We slid into the booth and I picked up a menu. Granny's was for the most part, empty. Only one other customer was in there, besides Emma, Dad, Peter, and I. 

"Where have you been?" Emma snapped. I rolled my eyes from behind the menu. "We've been waiting here an hour," I didn't answer because I knew whatever I said next was just going to upset her. I never say the right thing. 

"Let's talk about the Queen," I suggested. I put the menu down and looked at her from across the table. "What'd I miss?" 

"How can you be so casual about this?" Emma was annoyed. That was evident. 

"Emma, has it ever occurred to you that I don't want to always be fighting villains?" I pointed out and she rose an eyebrow. 

"You were a villain," She muttered, trying to hide her comment, but I heard it. I scoffed and leaned back in my seat. 

"That's low," I stood up, sliding out of the booth. "Come on, Peter." 

"Where are you going?" Dad asked and I shrugged. 

"Away from here," I grabbed Peter's hand and we walked out. 

Land of Untold Stories

"Why are you doing this?" I spat at Hyde and he smiled. "Is this some kind of sick joke?" 

"In a way. You see, I've heard a lot about you, Riley. I actually made it an effort to know you," He explained and I was thoroughly creeped out. "I made it an effort to figure out your weaknesses and I think I hit a soft spot, am I wrong?" 

"Fuck you," I hissed. He walked over to my mother and placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"How about I make a deal with you? I know you're fond of those," He offered and I shook my head. "Then you can stay here forever," I glared at him. "What do you say?" 

"What do you propose?" I asked, giving in. 

"Kill her." 

"What?" I exclaimed. 

"You heard me. If you can kill your mother, I will let you go," He dealt and I shook my head some more. "Ace said it, she's not real, so what's the harm?" He let his hand fall from her shoulder and stepped back. She smiled at me, holding her arms out. I closed my eyes and let some tears escape. It's okay, I told myself. It's okay. I slowly pulled my sword out of my scabbard and approached her. Every step I took was agonizing. 

"Riley," She breathed. "My baby girl. I'm so happy to see-" Her eyes widened as I stuck my sword in her stomach. Blood ran out and stained her white sheet. The blood trickled down my sword and onto the handle. I could feel some drip onto my hand. I closed my eyes and pulled it out of her. She fell to her knees and disappeared. I glared up at Hyde. 

"It's done, you sick bastard," He stepped aside and motioned his hand towards the large door. I looked back at Ace who stared in disbelief. I looked down at the ground and saw that Ryan was on the floor too with the same wound as my mother. He soon disappeared too. "Come on, Ace." 


"Are you okay?" Peter asked, softly and I shook my head. We were back at the bed and breakfast. I stood up from the bed and walked over to the door. "Where are you going?" 

"I need some air. I'll be back," I bluntly told him. 

"I'll go with you," Peter quickly got up, but I stopped him. 

"No, you stay here. I'll bring some food back since we didn't get a chance to eat at Granny's," I explained and he nodded, sitting back down. I exited the room and flashed to the woods. I leaned against a tree and slid down, bringing my knees to my chest. A sob escaped my lips. She's wrong. Emma is wrong and I'm going to prove it to her. 

HEY GUYS! I finally updated after god knows how long. I have super bad writer's block, but I was able to bust out this chapter. I haven't seen the new episode yet because I was on a plane and I'm going to miss this week's episode because I'm going to a concert. I will try to update again as soon as possible. I need to catch up lol. Thank you guys for reading and voting. Best readers ever, you guys are! Write to you soon!

- head lost girl :) 

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