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Porsha Ginevra

THE MOON GLOWED with a magical iridescence high above our heads when we finally arrived at the destination. It hung brightly above our heads, dazzling the night sky along with what seemed like a million of stars. It was surprising to see such brightly lit stars, to say the least, considering that our home of Riverside Creek was so heavily polluted by light sources. Stars were a beautiful rarity in today's modern society consisting of urban jungles and almost nothing more.

It took us mere minutes to get ready. Since both Bella and Minnie were my dress size, finding an outfit suitable enough for the party – and still dress comfortably – was simple enough due to my, thankfully, seemingly endless closet. We had all chosen matching outfits, each a simple sweater and a nice pair of winter jeans to keep the cold out. I had also decided on a pair of ankle booties to compliment the entire outfit.

"You are wearing booties to a party?" Minnie asked in disbelief. I clicked the heels of my shoes, allowing the sound to resonate slightly with my steps, smiling slightly at the sound.

"And why not? I got them a few weeks ago and never got to wear them. I am not about to leave a perfect pair of booties in the wardrobe waiting for them to just rot there."

"Well, I think it is cute." Bella nodded with approval, grinning as I gave her a twirl. "It compliments your outfit and makes your legs look even longer. Like, how is that possible?"

"Thank you, Bella. I'm glad to see that someone here has an actual sense of fashion." I targeted the last part of the sentence to Minnie with a pointed roll, to which she replied with a roll of her eyes.

"When you are complaining about how the heels of those booties are killing your feet, just remember what I had warned beforehand," she warned.

We stepped out of the house, braving the cooling winters of winter with a slight shiver as we trudged through the streets in an attempt to locate the boathouse where the countdown party was held at.
The winters of Riverside Creek weren't as cold as the main city, reigning in only minimal snowy days and even fewer white Christmases. This, however, did not guarantee the absence of the classic chill of the season, only that it was more of a colder autumn than a full blown winter. The waters of the river surrounding the quaint little town were henceforth never in history ever frozen solid. In fact, spending Christmas on yachts was a common practice for the richer folk of the town.

Personally, I could remember much of my childhood festivities on a white yacht that my family owned. The glorious family feasts and bountiful of laughter was a constant factor every time I visited the yacht. That was something in which I hoped will never change, to have the yacht stay as a constant symbol of joy and laughter.

Surprisingly, my friends and I were a whole street away when the music first reached our ears. As small of a town we already were, this part of it seemed even more deserted than the others, only having a few houses dotting along the streets every so often. The boathouse stood alone, huge and intimidatingly tall against the dark of the night as strobes of light emitted from its ceilings and into the blanket of the night.

"Here we are, girls." Squeezing both Minnie and Bella's hands in excitement, I let out a small squeal of excitement. "The party of the year."

"That has got to be the biggest understatement you have ever made in your life. And you often over exaggerate every little thing." Bella sighed, eyes trailing after the strobe lights just as she took in every last detail of the massive boathouse that was flooded with people. "They really outdid themselves this year. It is definitely going to be the party of the millennium. I am calling it now."

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