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Perks & Mysteries

THE INTIMIDATION WAS coursing its way through my veins when we neared the boathouse even further. If I thought that the music was loud before, it would be deafening now that we were right by the entrance. The queue seemed to drag on forever, and not knowing if I should go ahead to the front of it or the back, there we stood simply gawking at the decoration of the place.

"I will admit, I'm actually scared of going in," I said. At this point, I had to shout right by my friends' ear in order for them to hear clearly what I've just practically announced.

"I understand what you mean. The bouncer fiasco from before really put enough doubts in my mind about the queues, if you ask me." Bella snorted in agreement, shivering slightly to prove her point.

"But we will still have to get in. I mean, we're already here, after all. So do we queue or do we just strut in and pretend that the line never existed?" Minnie trailed off, eyes darting back and forth between us and the queue.

"And what are you lovely ladies doing just standing there?" A velvet-smooth voice drawled from behind us, miraculously loud enough for us to hear. The voice could be heard easily above the sound system with no struggle whatsoever, and I could hear each clear syllable of the word.

Curious as to who had spoken, the three of us whipped our heads around, arms separating for the first time through the night so far. The man that stood behind us couldn't be older than 25-years-old, with hair white as snow and eyes a bright bold blue that sent electricity into the air. He towered over us, standing tall and decked with muscles all down his biceps; he was a pure figure of a god amongst mortals. His skin was a dark brown, nearing that of the cooling night. It contrasted heavily, yet surprisingly naturally, with both his hair and eye color.

My friends and I just stood there, blatantly gawking at that specimen of a man, not believing our eyes that a god could walk amongst us mortals.

"Girls?" He asked, snapping us back to attention as I instinctively went to straighten out my sweater for good measure.

"I'm Bella." The brunette waved casually – or as casually as she could in front of such an attractive man – before pointing towards the both of us. "This is Addison and Minnie," she introduced.
The man's eyes lit up slightly at the mention of our names, almost glowing in the dark as a small smile graced his lips. "It is an absolute pleasure to meet you, girls." Swiftly, he took each of our hands in turn and placed a small kiss on the back of it. I could almost swear if I pushed Bella right now, she would collapse into a hoppy fangirling fit. "My name is Calvin."

"Delighted to meet you, Calvin." I smiled, shaking his hand slightly in greeting.

"That would be an understatement," Bella whispered under her breath but I had easily caught it.

With a roll of my eyes, I continued with what I had been saying. "We received an invitation to the party. And also as the guest of honor." My hands reached into the pockets of my jeans as I pulled out the golden letter, allowing it to catch the rays cast by the strobe lights both inside and outside the boathouse. "But the line seems to go on for forever and honestly, the bouncers look rather intimidating. Do you think you can help us?"

Calvin did not hesitate for even a single moment once he took a glance at the letter. Instead, he placed a hand over mine, gently pushing the letter away. At first, I had thought that he was rejecting it and turning us away, but his next few words easily brightened up my features again.

Kisses From Death | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now