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    A routine, that's all it is. Keep doing it and it becomes a habit. Inhale ... exhale. Breathe in breathe out. Loosen up. Smile big. Act like nothing is wrong. Keep up the mask and keep it strong. No cracks. Inhale ... exhale. Breathe in breathe out. Keep up the routine and keep it strong. I repeat this as I walk into school. I keep my head down as I walk in, head up as I near the steps. Smile big as I walk up the steps. "Hey Kyle! What's up?" Amanda says. "You know me, I have been in a hole all weekend watching anime, eating, listening to music, and obviously reading fanfics!" I say brightly and loudly. "Geez, your almost as bad as me!" She replies back. I laugh my loud ass laugh in reply thinking you really don't care do you? Do you see through the mask, is there a crack? Why... " Yo! You still in there? Heeeellllooooo?" Amanda says taking me back to reality. "Haha, yeah just thinking about how hot Kevin is in his jersey!" I say hoping she won't notice my bluff or the fact that the darkness is creeping up on my mind. "Omg I know he is so hot!" She rambles, I don't really pay attention.

              Oh look a time skip ha I just don't feel like writing a boring day at school so just think of your own and yeah....

                 I see no car in the drive way of my house. I unlock the door and walk in to the living room. "Hey, anyone home? Anybody.... hellllllloooooo. Um" I say making sure no one is home. "Oh shit I dropped my fucking I pad and it's shattered!" I say, no one yelled at me for cussing so I'm alone. I sit in my room and cry, just crying. I let out all the days pent up stress and yell and punch the nearest things. After my small 'episode' I head to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and brush out my hair and do the routine I usually do when I get home. Everything's pretty boring and I'm just tired so I sleep.

        "Yo yo yo Kyle get up we are home! Also get dressed we are eating out for your fathers birthday." I hear my mum say rather loudly. I flinch as I wake up. I get dressed in jeans and a very girly shirt on. I add cute boots and put my hair in a braid. I look in my full body mirror disgusted cause I look weird in these clothes. I walk down the steps and walk in to the garage where my family is waiting. "Oh honey look at you! You are so cute." My mum says obviously liking the fact I look like a frikken princess. I put on a big smile and hop into the car.

              We arrive at my fathers favorite restaurant and sit in the very back. I order Mexican rice and a water thinking it won't be to fattening. "Hold up, I got to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I say. I do my business and head over to the sinks to wash my hands when a guy comes up behind me and grabs my wrists. "Ouc..." I didn't get to Finnish my sentence cause he put a cloth in my mouth gagging my. With my wrists above my head he locked to bathroom door. I start crying, I didn't know what the hell to do. "Ah, shut the fuck up you bitch! Oh my buddies and I are gonna be rich tonight." He snarled. I turn my head away but his free hand roughly jerks it back. He crashes his lips onto mine and I struggle to get out. It was horrible. He started touching me and then he used the hand that wasn't holding mine to unzip his pants and he pulled them down. I'm crying and mumbling trying to get free, I feel so violated so disgusted I just want to die. He pushes his member up against me and he starts to moan. I had no clue at to what to do. I was frozen as he kept touching and invading me. I saw a opening and kneed him in his groin hoping it will distract him. "Ugh, you nasty little slut! That hurt. That's not a way to treat your master! I'll find you, I know where you live, and I know what you look like! You can run but you can't stay hidden forever!" He says manically laughing. I run out and head back to my family. "Mum, there's a creepy guy in the bathroom." I say. "I'll notify the manager."she said whilst getting up.

Sooooo... that was horrible. Um, sorry if y'all dont like it but that's my writing style I guess. Anyhooo, read, vote, and comment! I appreciate it loads. Thanks! And have an amazing day.🐙🐢🐢🐙

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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