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Regina's POV:

I go to my room and wait for Emma to get out of the bathroom , I look around my room and see a picture of Henry my heart squeezes and I will the tears away as I gulp a few times and blink. I have to tell Emma , I hope she stays but if she doesn't she was never worth it.' Gina?' I turn my head to find Emma looking at me concerned. I pat the spot besides me and she sits down , I lean my head onto her shoulder and she moves so I'm in her arms.' What's wrong baby?' I look up to find her concerned look again , ' he's sick Emma , really sick.' I whisper my voice barely hearable.' Well , I don't care if he's really sick Gina I'm here to stay. And if you don't want to tell me what's going on with him , then I'll wait until you are ready.'I sit up and run my thumb over her cheek.' Of course I want to tell you Emma , I well I'm just scared you'll leave us.' I say as I lean in and kiss her , gently. I pull back and look at her , she smiles at me and I sigh as I get ready to tell her. ' Henry has cancer , he was diagnosed a year ago and is still in the first stage.' I look at her and she is holding her breath as she takes it all in.

Emma's POV:

I release the breath I was holding and my eyes are stinging with tears.' I am so sorry Gina .' I say as I look down at her lap.she sniffs and I look up to see she's crying , I pull her into my arms and I rock back and forth slowly as i feel my own tears run down my face. I fell so hard for this woman and her son , I will not lose them ever. ' Please don't leave us.' She whispers and I kiss her on her head , softly,' never'. I whisper as I rub her back soothing her and showing her how much I love her.

I pull out of her and stand up , she looks at me very shocked and I smile at her. I put off the light and walk back to the bed , her nightlight is still on so there is still a lot of light. I walk to her closet and open it , I look for some PJ's and I find a pair of long ones with bunnies on them. I walk back to Regina and kneel in front of her so I'm level with her legs. she looks at me confused but I continue what I was busy doing. I take off her heels and rub her feet , as I kiss the top of it. I take off the other one and move closer to her. She looks at me and I smile at her , there is still tears in her eyes. I take the hem of her shirt and lift it over her head , she lifts her arms and I stand removing the shirt completely. I kiss her shoulder and I undo her bra as I reach over her shoulders to her back. She takes a breath and I kiss her neck. ' You okay?' I ask and she nods not saying a word. I take the straps and slide them slowly down her arms and then off. I take the bunny shirt and she looks at me , she lifts her arms and I slip the shirt over her head and down her back so she is now fully clothed again. I look up at her asking if I may continue and she stands up , I take the top of her skirt and slid it down occasionally brushing my fingers against her skin. She steps out of the skirt and I take the pants and she puts one leg in and I kiss her thigh before she puts the other in and I pull the pants up till I'm standing again . I look at her and smile as I lean in and kiss her , she kisses back without hesitation. I pull back and she gets me some boy shorts and a big t-shirt from her closet , I put it on and she's in the bed. I slide in next to her and turn so we're starring at each other she closes her eyes and I see a tear roll out of her eye and over her nose. I wipe it away and I kiss the top of her nose. ' So , what now?' I ask and she smiles at me and moves her head a little closer.' Now Emma, now we show Henry how much we care for him he needs it to believe in himself.' I smile and wrap my arm around her , I kiss the top of her nose again and she shifts so she's in the crook of my neck. I hear her softly snore and I kiss her head again. " Dear lord , please don't take them from me." I send a silent prayer up and close my eyes as I too drift off to sleep.

       * Next Morning *

Regina's POV:

I wake up to a familiar vanilla sent and sniff a little harder. I look up and the blond is in between the pillows and I smile , she is such a messy sleeper. I feel her stir and she pulls me closer to her, ' hi'. She says and I smile I kiss the crook of her neck ,' hi , how'd you sleep ?'. She sniffed in and squeezed my back a little.' Silently , you?' I give a little chuckle and nod ,' same , we should probably get up and make breakfast.' She sighs and I kiss her neck once more.' I know baby I don't want to get up either.' Even just laying in her arms makes me feel better and I never want to let go , after Daniel I never thought I'd love again. Well I wouldn't say it's already love , wait maybe it is but I won't say anything yet.What if she doesn't feel the same , then I'd be ruining a good thing . ' Hey , what's going on in that head of yours ?' ' hmm ,oh nothing just... thinking.' I give her a smile and she returns it and sits up looking at me with her eyebrows scrunched up. ' What ?' She looks at the floor and I see her think really hard .' I - I have to go back to Boston tomorrow.' I am scared , is she leaving us ?. I go into full panic mode ,' what ?, Why ?' ' I have to go get the rest of my stuff and put them in storage.' I give out a sigh of  relief .  I don't want her to go , maybe I can send someone to get it for her . ' Maybe you don't have to go , I can send someone for you . If you'd like that ?' She looks up at me with a smile and nods her head ,' I'd love that , who are you going to send ? I don't really know anyone here.' I think for a bit and remember Belle's dad has that flower truck. ' Is it a lot of stuff ?' ' Ah two or three boxes and a TV .' I'll introduce her to Belle today and ask her , we've been good friends since I came here four years ago. She won't mind helping me. ' I have someone , but now can we please make breakfast I'm starving and your a great cook.' She giggles at me and I press my lips against hers , she responds immediately and smiles in my mouth. I pull away and she's just staring at me. ' What was that for ?' ' Oh just because I can .' I smile and wiggle my brows. I stand up and I blush remember last night , I never cry in front of people ...but this time I did . It feels okay to cry in front of Emma , it feels like she actually cares . I've always been known to be a bitch , but somehow Emma is taking that feeling away . I even smile more , which is literally just amazed. I snap out of my ramblings as I feel a pair of strong arms around me. ' Hey , you okay ?' I didn't say anything just nodded my head and lade back in Emma's neck .

I walk out of her arms and take off my pants and top going to my closet to look for proper clothes , I can feel her staring at me so I move my hips more sexy. ' Deer god miss mills if you don't stop that I'm going to rip off that thong '. I smirk and stare back at her all innocent looking. ' I don't know what I have to stop Emma , are you staring at me ?' She looks down blushing and mumbles a yes. I giggle and bite my lip as I take out a navy blue pants suite , I put on my bra that she left on the ground when she dressed me last night . I take the pants suite and make my way to put it on when I feel hands on my hips. ' Miss swan we need to make breakfast not stand around.' I try to say in the most strict voice I can , but I can't help the shiver from my voice as she slides her fingers inside of my thongs sides. ' I wish I could have you all to myself forever , right now .'  I take in a deep shake breath as I feel her lips on my neck. ' W- well what about the kids .' I moan out as she moves her lips all along my neck. ' Fine , but I will have my day miss mills .' She takes her hands out of my thong , ' you'll have your day for what dear ?' She doesn't move her hands from my hips as she answers : ' well to make you wet just by talking to you .' She says in a duh tone and I smirk , wetness already pooling my core. I take her hands and move them over my body to my core , I slip her hand in and smirk as I hear her sharp intake of breath. ' I think you've already accomplished that dear.' ' O god Regina , how am I supposed to keep a straight face in front of the kids now .' I  remove her hands and continue putting on my clothes. ' I can't help you there.' She sighs and I walk out of the room when I'm fully clothed , leaving a frustrated blonde on my bed.

Emma's POV:

God what's this woman doing to me , I put on my clothes from yesterday and head down to help with breakfast. The kids are at the kitchen worktop talking to Regina and I smile as I see how happy they are and as I think how happy they make me. I walk down the stairs , ' good morning.' ' Morning mom ', ' morning Emma.' Both of them greet except for Regina so I give her a scowl and walk over to her. ' I cant seem to remember you greeting me miss Mills , that is very rude.' She looks at me and rolls her eyes , ' good morning miss Swan , there you happy ?' i shake my head and stand with my hands on my hips ,' no no no that's a really good way to start a bad morning.' ' I don't know how I can possibly make it better.' I pull her in by her hand and give her a quick kiss knowing the kids won't be to happy about it. ' Aww ewww ', they both say in unison. Regina and I both giggle our lips still together. ' Oh hush up.' I look at them and lacy does her signature move , she rubs her tummy and makes a sad face as to tell me she's hungry. I sigh and open the fridge , get out the milk and put it on the table. ' Where's your cereal ?', I  ask ask Rigina and she points to u cupboard above my head. I take out the cereal and put it on the table. ' But I thought you gonna make us pancakes again.' Henry says and I giggle as he gives me the puppy pout ,' Lacy tell Henry why we eat cereal on Sunday please.' ' Well my mom says it's not really healthy to eat two good foods on one day , and seeing it's Sunday we usually make a roast or something for lunch.' He looks at me and I nod he looks back at the cereal and pour himself some. Regina also looks at me and I smile at her , I have to tell lacy about Henry and then tell Henry he has our love and support. ' Gina would you and Henry like to come and eat at our place ?' She looks at me and Henry nods.' We would love to Emma.' ' Then we are going to leave a little early this morning to go take a shower and get started on the food , okay ?' She nods again and lacy starts getting up to put her bowl in the washer. As soon as she's done I look at Regina and smile ,' see you at  twelve?' She nods , something is off about her I can see it but I'll ask her later. ' bye Henry I'll see you later.' Lacy is out the door and I give Regina a quick kiss and also go to the door ,' bye baby.' I say and she smiles at me , it doesn't reach her eyes but she still smiled at me so I'm happy . I walk to my car and she's still standing at the door so I blow her a kiss. I drive to my house , what's gotten in to Gina? I wonder as I reach my house.

There ya go guys , I know it's crappy but please don't hate me

Love ***

J (^^)

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