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Henry's POV:

As soon as I heard the news that my mother was alright I ran into the kitchen where Lacy lay on the ground , her face covered with sticky applesauce.

"What the , Lacy , what the hell happened ?" I ask and help her up. She gives me a tired smile and sighs.

"I ah , was trying to make us some sticky apples and , I slipped on some sugar." She says and blushes hard.

I hide a smile and clear my throat. "Do you even know how to kook ?" I ask and she roles her eyes.

"Yes I do , my mom taught me well " she says and I nod.

"Well you might want to get the sticky off of you. My moms awake and I want to go see her." As soon as she hears that she rushes out of the kitchen and up the stairs to the bathroom.

"Give me five minutes !" She yells and I chuckle to myself. I walk to the living room and get an idea.

Next thing I know Lacy's back in the living room dressed in clean clothes." I'm ready , let's go." She says and she's out the door.

We get into Emma's bug and I sigh. I've only drove with Emma sitting besides me , because she was hurt to bad to drive , but I guess I'll be okay.

"Henry ?" I hear Lacy say and I look at her to tell her to continue." Leave the walls alone please." She says and I role my eyes and nod.

We drove for about half an hour and I stopped at the hospital. We get out and I rush to the front desk , Lacy on my tail.

"Uhm , hello , where's Regina Mills room ?" I ask the desk lady and she smiles polity at me.

"Hi there , uhm first off I have to know your connection with Ms Mills." I sigh and quickly rumble a ' she's my mother ' before she directs me to her room.

I stand outside the room and see my mother and Emma laying in one bed. They look so happy , Emma kisses my mother on the nose and I immediately see the blush and hear her giggle.

"They're adorable aren't they ?" I look to my side and see Lacy smile at the two of them.

"Yeah , they are. Let's go in before they start making out." I say and Lacy giggles but nods.

We walk in and my mom looks up at me , and I immediately see tears in her eyes. I feel my own tears and look to my side to see Lacy also with tears.

"Mama , I missed you " I whisper and she nods motioning for me to give her a hug. I go and as soon as I'm in her arms I break , crying hard .

"Shshsh my baby boy , I'm okay , we're all okay." She whispers the last part and I nod , letting her go. As soon as I do Lacy is there and hugging her , I smile at them and look at Emma. You can see she's happy , but you can also see the sadness in those emerald eyes.

I walk over to her and she stands up , she pulls me to her and hugs me. She kisses my head and I smile. She lays back down besides my mom and my mom puts her arm around Emma.

This is my family , and I couldn't ask for two better mothers ...

Lacy's POV:

I hug Gina hard , but not to hard. She kisses my head and pulls back holding me by arms length.

"Lacy , you might not be my daughter by blood , but you still are my daughter. And , and I love you." She say and I feel my tears leaving a salty trail down my cheeks.

"I love you too Gina." I say back and she smiles a true smile , she let's go of me and turns to my mom. I can see she's silently asking her something and my mom nods giving her a soft smile.

"Uhm , guys , so I ah , I have some news." She starts and all attention is put on her. My mom takes her hand and I can see how she relaxes.

"I'm , I'm pregnant." She says and I smile , a true smile. Henry has this very excited look on his face and I giggle at him.

"I'm gonna be a big brother ?" Henry asks and Gina nods also smiling , a smile that reaches her eyes.

"You're gonna be an amazing big brother Henry." I say and walk over to him , I hug him and he hugs me back.

"And you are gonna be an amazing big sister Lacy." I hear Regina say and I turn around with a frown on my face.

"Don't look so surprised Lacy , it's not like you can eat and you're pregnant." I widen my eyes and Henry groans while my mom and Regina giggle.

"Well , I um , this just got awkward." I say with a really straight face , I mean , you have to eat if you date a girl. I'm not an idiot.

Though it doesn't mean you get pregnant. I look away blushing hard as I think about this one girl at my school , she's so beautiful and to be honest , I think I'm in love with her...

Regina's POV:

I see Lacy blush and smile , biting her bottom lip around it. She must like someone. I look up at Emma and she has a raised eyebrow.

I kiss her cheek and she looks at me , eyebrow still raised. I can see the silent request and I nod , a sign that we'll talk about it later.


Lacy and Henry left an hour ago , Emma and I are cuddled up in my hospital bed. I'm exhausted and just want to go to sleep. I might be discharged in two days and can't wait.

Emma asked Belle to look after the kids so she can stay by my side for the night , I'm happy she's not leaving every time I close my eyes I see him and I'm so scared he tries something again.

Worst of all is the fact that my mother caused all of this and hurt me. Through my own friend.

Emma is asleep and I lay back and think about all the things that have happened so far , not all is good , but not all is that bad either.

But we'll get through it , me and my family , together...


Hi there beautiful swanqueen shippers !!!

I'm so sorry for the long wait , I had writers block and a shit load of changes in my life. I promise I'll try to update ASAP.

J 🐤👸🐣

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