Choosing sides

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The two brothers now know they have powers but now they must choose good or evil.War & Peace knew their sides they both picked good. Most humans only dreamed of having powers."Brother lets go to the king and tell him we have powers" Peace said "ARE U CRAZY HE WILL KILL US" War yelled the brothers both went to the apple stand "were ready to work!" Peace said.after their job they ran off the border. To their shed Peace started to cook "Im gonna practice using my powers in the back yard" War said "I be out there" said Peace.

(7 years Later)War & Peace is now grown men at the age of 25 they both are black Smiths.After work War & Peace split up Peace went to the shed War went to look around.10 men found War the men cloaks said Elite 12 but there were only 10 of them.War could clearly see they had powers from the tattoo s on them.War tried to run away but one of the men teleported in front of him he started to use his powers on the man."get away FROM ME!" War yelled while using his magic.non of the men got hurt but than he let out his rage and extremely hurt one of the men than he ran back to the shed. "Peace men was chasing me in the empire" said War...

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