His Story

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Lucas' POV

People think they know the world. They think they have everything figured out. Most believe that they know people and what they've been through.

We all have someone in our life that helps us keep in track of ourselves and keep us from doing stupid things. We all have at least one anchor in our life. Riley Eleanor Matthews was mine.

Here I am, Lucas Friar, 67 years old, from New York City, New York. I believe that everyone has a story.

Here's mine.


Lucas' POV

Here's how I believe our lives work. We live, we die, there's no inbetween. All the bull shit in the world that people pretend to fix, just doesn't matter. Maybe it's just me being a 17 year old and thinking I know everything but I do have a lot figured out. I don't believe that we were put into this world to enjoy it. I believe we were put into this world to survive. It's just that some survive better than others. Those are the lucky ones. I consider myself one of the lucky ones.
Everyone I know has a story. We all do, and I know every one of their's, but nobody knows mine, except for my best friends, Farkle Minkus and Zay Babineaux. They are the only ones in this world, other than my family, that are actually worth my time. Nobody else matters to me.

I'm not a saint, no not at all, but I'm not a devil either. I try to be kind to everyone and my grades are more than decent. I just have a problem with following the rules. I don't like being told what to do, and that gets me into some trouble. I am known as 'The Kind Bad Boy'. Not very clever. It's funny isn't it, how people just label a person they don't know? That's why I know everyone' story, I don't like assuming things about people. Mysteries are hard to read because you get so caught up in trying to figured out the secret, that you forget to enjoy the actual story. I've always hated that.

I'm a mystery to everyone, but everyone's an open book to me. It's not like people can't get to know other people, its just that they don't want to make the effort to.

I was taken from my thoughts by a girl walking down the hallway. She drew many people out of their thoughts as far as I could see. I knew every single face in Abigale Adams High School, I made sure of it. When I wasn't getting in trouble, I was pretty quiet, so I observed people. It wasn't something I actually thought of, I just did it. It wasn't like I couldn't control it, I could, but I really wanted the habit to work its best towards the mystery girl down the hall.

"Who is she." Zay, asked fascinated. Zay already had a girlfriend, he was no cheater, so I thought nothing of it when he asked the question. "I don't know, but I'm about to find out." I said, giving his shoulder a nice squeeze, signaling a goodbye to him.

I walked off and followed the trace of the mesmerizing brunette.

I caught up to her as she was entering the main office, most likely to get her schedgule, but I backed up before she saw me. Mostly because I didn't want to be known as, the stalker guy who followed me around, to the new girl. Not that I care about what people think of me though, I couldn't give two craps about what people that don't care about my well being, think about me. I just don't want to creep her out on her first day. After all, I am a gentleman.

"Um, let me just see if I can get you an excort to show you around." Mrs. Gregly said, checking a list of names on a sheet of paper. Mrs. Gregly and I were pretty close, I was always at the office for breaking the rules, so we saw eachother almost everyday. I couldn't help but evesdrop, and if she needed an excort or whatever, then I would gladly volunteer.

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