Chapter 7- Confrontation

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Author's Note: "Well I'm back, after a long break from this fanfic. I don't own the Inuyasha characters. Here's the next chapter, enjoy!"

Chapter 7- Confrontation

"Sesshomaru are Inuyasha and the others close by? I'm so worried for Rin" said Kagome.

"Yes they are close, I can smell them" the prince replied.

Ten minutes later they arrived at Inuyasha's camp just as the sun was setting. Jaken had decided to stay upon his master's dragon that hovered in the air above them while his master descended to the ground holding the 'filthy human' as he liked to call Kagome against him. (Of course he didn't do this often when Sesshomaru was around).

"What's wrong Kagome?" asked Sango as she ran to her friend's side.

"Naraku has captured Rin and wants the other half of the Shikon No Tamah" (The Jewel of Four Souls).

"Don't even think of giving it to him!" Inuyasha growled. His anger grew even more when he saw that Sesshomaru's hand was wrapped around Kagome's waist.

"Take... your... hands... off... her!" said the red robed half demon through clenched teeth.

Meanwhile not far away, Koga and a few other wolf demons from his pack were hunting for their dinner when Koga's head went up suddenly as he sniffed the air. Koga then sped away without a word. The other wolf demons said nothing, knowing the reason for their leader's sudden departure... Kagome was nearby.

"If she wished to leave my side Inuyasha she could do so with ease" Sesshomaru said in a bored tone. Inuyasha simply snorted at this statement.

"Please don't fight you guys, we have to save Rin" said Kagome just as Koga appeared beside her.

"Did that mutt upset you Kagome? She was never yours puppy, I had hoped that she would become my woman but she loves your brother, you're just too blind to see it, either that or you just refuse to accept it" said Koga turning and shooting a death glare at Inuyasha.

"Get lost you scrawny wolf!" Inuyasha yelled.

"No! Koga, Naraku is holding a little girl prisoner. We will all need to work together to defeat him" said Kagome.

"Well at least I'll get some enjoyment when I kill that sonofabitch once and for all" said Inuyasha as he cracked his knuckles.

"Yes, then my comrades will be avenged" said Koga.

"Kohaku will then be safe. Let's get going guys" said Sango getting on Kirara's back followed by Miroku, while Inuyasha sat on Shippo who had transformed into a big pink talking balloon and Sesshomaru once again rose into the air holding Kagome close against him. They all flew toward Naraku's castle. Below Koga followed using his super speed.

~ Naraku's Castle~

"Inuyasha and the others are on their way" said Kagura as she flew in on her feather.

"Excellent. Kanna, Kohaku I think you should go and welcome our guests" Naraku replied with a chuckle as he sat Indian-style atop a Japanese-style mat in the main room of his castle. He pulled Rin down to sit in front of him, pulling her back against him and placing a hand on her shoulder in case she struggled when her rescuers made their appearance. Rin sat still and silent as a statue. It sickened her to feel Naraku's hand on her delicate flesh. She thought he was creepy and his touch, though only on her shoulder made her skin crawl. She held the knowledge that Sesshomaru would rescue her close. The Prince of The West had yet to disappoint her; in her eyes he had no equal.

Inuyasha and the others stopped at Naraku's castle which seemed to be covered in a large dark cloud of miasma a few hours later. Sesshomaru and Kagome were the first to enter the castle followed by Koga and the others with Inuyasha bringing up the rear. They'd only gone a short distance when they were suddenly stopped by Kanna and Kohaku.

"We'll handle this" said Sango holding her brother's trance-like gaze as she, Miroku and Shippo took their fighting stances.

"You sure?" asked Kagome hesitantly looking back toward her friends.

"Yes, go on Kagome we'll catch up later" said Miroku.

"Jaken, stay and help them" commanded Sesshomaru. The toad's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. It seemed he wanted to object to his master's command, but at a glare from Sesshomaru Jaken nodded his assent.

Trusting that her friends could take care of themselves Kagome turned to look forward once again. Sesshomaru squeezed her waist in reassurance as they followed the others, making their way quickly toward Naraku.

Naraku sat holding the child in front of him while Kagura stood on his left side. He could hear his enemies' footsteps clearly. The moment Sesshomaru and the others entered the room Rin, who'd been so still earlier began to struggle to free herself but suddenly stopped, letting out a yelp of pain as Naraku tightened his grip on her shoulder.

Author's Note: "Hmm, two battles are about to take place. Hope this time I do at better job at writing em!"

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