Chapter 5 - Paranoia

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Warm rays of sunlight filtered through the glass of the car, warming Riley's cheek. Her eyes slowly fluttered open as the back of her eyelids turned red due to the bright rays of sun. Her head still felt heavy and her nose felt like it had a huge chunk of cotton stuck in it and it was more than enough to let her know flu is about to come. Blinking the drowsiness out of her eyes she was suddenly aware of how her limbs felt a little stiff and not to mention how her head weighed like a ton.

As much as she wanted to go back sleeping, she lost all desire for sleep after taking in her surroundings. She was suddenly in motion upon realizing she wasn't in her room and in her bed.

Where the hell am I?  

She ran her hands over her face upon the realization she wasn't home. Squinting at her surroundings, her eyes rested on the figure beside her. Who, thankfully, wasn't naked, save for the area around his abdomen which happened to be exposed. She quickly averted her gaze and looked out the window with both hands tightly covering her mouth as panic started to sink its claws down her panicked heart.

Now who the hell is this?! Oh my gosh? What happened last night? Holy mother of monkeys what if he's a lecher straight from hell? Her mind was racing and so was her heart which was pounding violently against her rib cage at the thought of all the possible things that could've had happen between her and this stranger...

Out of sheer paranoia she suddenly felt disgusted albeit she didn't know to whom she was disgusted: whether herself or the stranger. She couldn't even bring herself to take a glance on him as if he was a rotting corpse that one look at him would scar her for life. Dramatic right?

But as weird as it was for her, a part of her was genuinely curious about the stranger. There was something about him which prompted her to look at him again like a flimsy string attached to her head that gently tugs at her to take even just a tiny look at him.

Slowly turning her head towards the stranger like actors would do in horror movies, she felt as if her ability to speak had suddenly decided to take a vacation. She didn't know what to expect as she turned her head. All thoughts seemed to have vacated her mind almost instantly. He was nothing like a rotten corpse or a disgusting monster but a good looking young man with his dark hair covering half of his face.

If this one's a corpse... I guess a lot of women would be into necrophilia.

Without meaning to her eyes slowly drifted towards his exposed midriff.  Her eyes almost popped out of their sockets as her jaw dropped. Whoa!

 His body was perfectly toned and lean with matching 6 pack abs that just about any girl would want to have a taste. Why was it even expose despite wearing a shirt?

I wonder how many hours he spent in the gym just to have this body. I mean look at him. I guess even princes would be ashamed of their bodies once they see his- WHAT THE HELL!!

She almost banged her head against the dashboard. God I'm such a perv, let alone, lusting after a stranger!! What the hell happened to you, Fierce?! Where has your mind gone? 

 Knowing it was better to avoid ogling his midriff, she was almost reluctant to drag her eyes upward where she was greeted with a very gorgeous sleeping face. His wavy hair was unkempt probably due to the frequency of him running his hands over it. She momentarily lost herself as she basked in the beauty of the stranger before her.

His chiseled face looked peaceful and somewhat glowing with a light tinge of blush on his cheeks. A peaceful and calming aura seemed to emanate from him that almost made her want to smile. But as she scrutinized his face even better the admiration in her eyes slowly diminished. Her smile slowly melted into a frown before transforming into a scowl.

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