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School. I quite like school. I get to see all my friends. My friends are great. My life is great. I'm beautiful and popular. I have big blue eyes that anyone would love. At least, I love them. My friends do too.

High school. New friends to meet. New classes. I guess my first class is choir. I love choir. I walk into the class, and my eyes immediately fall on a girl with short black hair hair, covering her eyes. She's wearing a sweatshirt and skinny jeans. She looks kind of scared. I think for a second that maybe I should talk to her but..nah. Class starts soon, anyways. I try to focus on the teacher telling us about choir, but my eyes keep drifting to the dark girl in the back corner of the classroom. I want to know her story. Why does she look afraid?

Maybe I can help her-if she needs help,that is. She looks like she does. I'm going to try to help her.

Class ends, and I scramble up to catch the girl before she leaves, but she's already scurried out the door.

I want to know her story.


Sorry, that was a short first chapter.

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