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Great. School. I hate school. I have no friends. Everyone hates me.

Highschool. New school. New people to beat me up.

Choir. I love choir. Its the only class in which I can escape myself. Except for today. I was lingering in the corner, listening to music, when a girl with red hair and the brightest blue eyes I'd ever seen walked in. I expected her to go to her friends immediately, but she stopped to stare at me. I bit my lip, afraid that she was going to say something. I went on my phone and pretended to text someone.

Class started, I sat down in the back, hoping to escape her stare. But no, she kept looking at me. It was scaring me. Had I done something wrong? Maybe I look strange. I always look strange, though.

Class ended, and I shoved my things into my book bag. The girl looked like she was going to approach me, so I picked up my backpack and ran out of the room. "Not today." I whispered to myself, then plugged in my ear buds and blasted my music.

Not today..


Sorry for another short chapter

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