Natsu x reader (Fairy Tail)

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-You're mine
You were looking at the request board, trying to figure out what job would be best for you. You saw a job that asked someone to go find a crystal filled with burning fire for 200,00 jewel and you got it off the board.

'I don't want to get burned picking this up. Should I ask Natsu? No I can't, he's my crush.'

You suddenly felt an object run into your back and you fell down.

"What the hell?!" You looked up to see Natsu looking down at you with worry.

"Sorry (Y/n), I didn't mean to run into you. Freaking ice breath ran into me with his naked body!" He said as he turned back to across the room.

He picked up your paper and looked over it as you laughed at his outburst. He smiled and you blushed as he helped you up.

"I'll go with you! It will be fun!" He said.

"N-no it's fine!" You exclaimed as you didn't want to be left with him.

"Why? I'll help you with the fire. It would also be really, really cool being with you," he said with a blush on his face as he scratched his neck.

"I can't. You make me nervous because," you tried to confess but just couldn't.

You felt him brush a (h/c) strand out of my face and you looked into his dark eyes.

"Is it cause you like me?" He asked which made you blush furiously and step back.

"No I-" you got cut off when you felt warm, soft lips on yours.

You kissed back and then you both let go of the kiss. We both heard cheers and claps as you both blushed.

"I like you too. You're mine now."

First one shot! Hope you liked it😊

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