Kagami Taiga x reader (Kuroko's Basketball)

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You walked into the gym to see the basketball team of Serin practicing. Little Kuroko number 2 ran up to you and you picked him up as Riko walked to you.

"Hey (Y/n) how are you?" She asked and you smiled.

"Just here to visit Kagami. How are you?"

"I'm great. Are you finally going to confess?" You blushed at her words of your liking to Kagami.

Yes you really liked Kagami Taiga. You always looked up to him, even though he is hard headed, loves basketball, and hates dogs. You just love dogs so you want Kagami to love them too.

"Hey (Y/n)! What's up?" Kagami called out as he ran up. You smiled and held out number 2 to him and he jumped back.

"Come on Kagami. He's not bad, come on please!" You begged him as number 2 licked her face. The redhead sighed and sat down.

"Fine, for you I guess," he said as he blushed and you blushed after.

You held out number 2 as Kagami pet its head and you smiled.

"See he likes you." "Like I do," you whispered so he couldn't hear. But you didn't know he did.

"What?" You looked away in nervousness.

"Nothing! I didn't say I liked you or anything," you said and laughed it off.

You felt lips his yours and you blushed darkly. You put number 2 down and wrapped your arms around Kagami's neck as he smiled into the kiss.

"I like you more (Y/n)." You nodded and put your head on his shoulder.

"I like you too. Taiga."

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