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I was woken up by loud banging on my door I climbed out of bed switched on a lamp and went over to the door I opened Roman stumbled in by the look and the smell of him he was drunk he sat on the edge of the bed "Roman it is 2 in the morning what are you doing here" I folded my arms "I can't be in the same room as Brie right now" a worried feeling went through my body "She doesn't know does she" he shook his head "No she doesn't" he reached out and grabbed my hand and pulled me so I was standing in between his legs he placed his head against my stomach I felt his hands go up my tank top lifting it up he started placing kisses on my stomach "Roman stop your In no state to do anything right now ok definitely not that so your going to stay here lets get you in to bed" he got up and walked round to the side of the bed he would be sleeping in he sat down and I removed his shoes and his jacket he laid down I picked up his legs and put them on to the bed I covered him up after he was settled I climbed in to bed next to him "Nikki I love you" I looked at him "I love you to" I laid down "There's something else I need to tell you its about Brie" a confused came across my face "What about her" I heard light snoring and when I looked he was passed out I wonder what he had to tell me about Brie

I woke up the next morning I looked beside me to see Roman was still asleep I decided to get a shower before he wakes up so I quietly and quickly got out of bed and went in to the bathroom after my shower I walked back out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped round me I looked to see Roman stirring a little bit I grabbed my clothes and quickly got changed "Nikki" I turned around to see Roman awake sitting up "Morning" he looked around the room "What am I doing here" I stood up and fastened my jeans "You knocked her about 2 this morning drunk" he rubbed his face with his hands "Sorry" I went and put the towel back in the bathroom "Don't worry about it so what's happened between you and Brie anyway you were about to tell me something about her last night before you passed out" he climbed out of bed and come and sat on the end of it "Nikki you need to know something and I don't think your going to like it" I sat next to him "Ok what is it what's going on" he grabbed my hand "Brie is the one who as been sleeping with Dean" part of me filled up with anger the other was sadness "So does she know that you know" he shook his head "No neither does Dean" silence filled the room for a few minutes "What are we going to do" he looked at me while I just stared at the wall "Maybe its time we told the truth" I got off the bed and walked over to the balcony window looking out at the view I felt Roman wrap his arms around me "You sure you want to do that" I nodded my head "I'm sure"

A/N Sorry if It was boring do you think they should tell Dean and Brie or not hope you are enjoying the story so far and thanks for reading

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