Fiolee: A Love Story. Chapter 27: Your Fault

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Chapter 27: Your Fault
Pov: Fiona
*1 month later*

"I think you have the wrong person!" I angrily yelled at the two fire guards dragging me out of the hotel. I refused to take one step, they each took one of my arms and literally dragged me. I didn't care if their hands emitted a searing pain. I was not about to be arrested.
"I didn't do anything! I don't even know what this is about! You have no right to take me against my will! I don't care who you are! Let me go!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, even if they wouldn't let me go maybe that would distract them so I could escape. It didn't work though.
"Fiona the Hu- Um... You are charged with the murder of the King of Flame. Or as you would call him FP. We have every right to take you away." The guard in my left strictly said.
"The what!?! This is news to me!!-" I yelled. "-not that he didn't deserve it." I muttered.
"What was that!?" The right guard snapped.
"Nothing! Just expressing the need for you to let me go." I said throwing my arms up in outrage, well the best I could with these guys holding them. I needed to distract them, now more then ever as we reached the portal. I raised both my fists in a swift motion punching them in the neck range. They didn't let go but they loosened their grip a tiny bit. Allowing me to slip through, I twisted my arms out and flipped. I started to sprint away. It was now or never, I hoped it would work. I bent my knees far down and jumped as high as I could and imagined myself staying there. I could do it, I could fly. I tried to convince myself. I quickly fell back to my feet. Well time for plan B. I sprinted, in hope to find a familiar face to help me with these goons. I hoped I would find Marshal, he had quite a bit of authority. But anyone could help. I knew no one was at the hotel. They went to a band rehearsal. I could have come. But I wanted to stay home today. Maybe do something to surprise them. Well, I knew that would happen now. It's not everyday you see your roommate being chased by two fire guards with charges of killing the Flame King. I ran into town, causing quite a lot of attraction and commotion. The guards were hot on my trail, but vampires ran better than fire people and I had been athletic all my life. I was naturally fast. A barrel of apples sat ahead to my right. I brushed my hand across them causing the barrel to fall over. The apples blocked the path. It slowed them a bit but didn't stop them. Then I entered my destination. The music store. They practiced in the basement. I ran past the clerk and to the back of the store. I had been here before. I jumped down the concrete stairs. And all I heard was the slight crashing of a symbol. My entrance had shocked some people. Well everyone. They stood there motionless. Then I heard heavy and fast footsteps. I ran over and quickly hid between Rodney's feet and the big drum in the middle.
"Where's the girl?!" A guard yelled steaming mad and tired. I started to give a breathy chuckle when Rodney kicked "the drums" meaning it looked and sounded like he did but it was really me. Everyone looked at the drum and the guards at Rodney.
"Oops my bad." He started a conversation to distract the guards. I looked at Marshal for help. He pointed to me and then himself and pounded his fist in his hand and shook his head. Meaning we shouldn't fight. He pointed to me then crossed his thumbs and waved his other fingers. He then pointed to him bass case sitting next to the drum kit. He wanted me to turn into a bat and fly into there!?! I could even fly let along change. It was all in the mind. It took patience and focus. I only focused at certain times and didn't have much patience. Making this a very difficult challenge. But I had to focus. I took every bit of concentration I had. I closed my eyes and focused on the image of a bat. I imagined myself changing into it. When I opened my eyes I looked down and saw wings and a tiny navy blue body. I swiftly flew into the case. Rodney nonchalantly lifted his foot and closed the case pretending to rest his feet. I heard muffled talking but couldn't make it out. But then it started to happen. I felt the air disappearing. I knew it was just claustrophobia. But my tiny bat form started to freak out. It took all my will not the pound on the top of the case. I couldn't take it! I was going to freak! I started to rapidly pound the case.
"Let me out!" I yelled. When nothing happened I let out an ear splitting scream. I couldn't take it one more second! I changed back to my person form. Opening the guitar case as I grew too big for it. I took in a deep breath, forgetting the guards.
"Glob Fiona, good thing you did that after they left." A voice I didn't recognize said. It didn't sound sincere. It sounded on the verge of laughing. I peeked to see who it was. It was a guard. Of course. They started to walk towards me. But all of the band blocked them from me.
"No! You are not going to touch her!" Marshal yelled.
"Sorry mister, orders from the King. Or should I say new king! Fiona must be executed for the death of King of Flame!" A guard roared. I gasped and do did several other people who hadn't heard the news.
"I didn't murder your stupid Ex King!" I shouted. They walked forward. Ignoring my comment.
"All evidence points to you. You must be killed. If we later figure out it's not you, we'll kill them too. But this is happening." A guard said getting annoyed. Just then Jayden broke the circle of protection. He stepped forward.
"It was me. I confess. I'm not letting someone innocent die!" Jayden admitted in fiery tears. I was shocked. Not only did he save me, but he actually did it!
"This is not going to happen. The King was truly evil! He was the one to be killed! Not Jayden! Jayden just did the right thing and saved you dirty work! If you don't believe me fight me!" I yelled in anger and understanding.
"I'll take you up on that offer." Said one guard. The other one held Jayden.
"Okay, if I win we get to kill you and Jayden and if you win both of you will be spared and this group will never be bothered by the Fire Kingdom again." He offered and held out his hand so we could shake in agreement.
"Can I use flame shield?" I asked.
"Psh, like that will help you. Fine go ahead." He said confidently. I saw Marshal slowly shaking his head smiling. I knew what he was thinking because I was thinking the same thing. That guard just made the biggest mistake of his life. I had memorized the flame shield spell when I was dating a fire elemental. I touched a guard to see if it worked and it did.
"Weapons?" The guard asked.
"No I'd have too much of an advantage." I commented. The guard just made a your loss face. But it quickly turned into a confident smirk. I shook his hand and we stood away from each other.
"Winner is whoever holds the other person down for five seconds. Ready? Go!" The guard hiding Jayden announced. He lunged at me. I easily stepped aside and he flew behind me. I toon advantage of this and sat on him for a total if four seconds until he threw me off. I was leaning against the wall sitting on the floor. The guard jumped on me and held me down for two seconds until I panicle and kicked him in the crotch. He let go of me and sat on the floor. The guys made a painful sound and I giggled. I kicked him on the head knocking him out. I sat on him for five seconds. The other guard let Jayden go and went to drag his friend but first I slapped him.
"I'll be making sure your word is true. If not, I will personally come and kill both of you." I said trying to sound threatening. I think they got the message. When they left the room The band was shocked. While Marshal and I burst out laughing, knowing this would happen the whole time. Jayden gave me a hug and thanked me. I waved it off like it was nothing. And in truth, it was. It felt really good to be in a fight again.
If you haven't read my status Adventure Time season 5 just ended. I'm sad about it because season six isn't on until June Fricken 2nd!!!!! >:()

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