Fiolee: A Love Story. Chapter 25: Concert

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Chapter 25: Concert.
Pov: Fiona

Two weeks have gone by since the incident. The burn on my face had disappeared but three tiny scars were left on my neck. This upset Marshal deeply. If Jayden was in a room I couldn't be in there, if he wanted to talk it was outside, I could only leave the room with Marshal's supervision. Just the thought of it made me frustrated. He was becoming such a control freak! I was fine. And I had told him this repeatedly. He was becoming to protective. But I wasn't helping. I mean I kind of freaked out when I saw Jayden the next day. So I sort of earned it. But I didn't like not being in control. I called Cake and told her on the second night. She freaked out. I wasn't surprised though she freaked out when it happened the first time too. She offered to come and take me home. I refused but now I sort of wish I said yes. I was just flopped down on my back on my bed. I looked on my phone and saw it was 5:00. I decided to go downstairs on my own. I crept down the stairs, but epicly failed. I stepped down the first five with ease only hearing a slight creak on the third stair. I went to take a step and my foot got behind my other one. I was falling face first and I tried to grab the hand rail. But my arms just flailed around trying to catch balance. I tried to step down a stair and get support but my foot slipped off and I hit my bottom on the stairs with a loud thunk. I then proceeded to slide down the stairs with a crashing and clunking sound as I slipped down. I was nearly at the bottom when I clenched my head trying to protect it from the crash I was about to endure. See, the genius architect who built this hotel placed two double doors at the bottom of the stairs. With slick tile leading to it. I mean who thought that was a good idea! I slammed into the doors and they stayed closed. They had also decided to make the doors open towards the stairs. I gave up and just went flat on my back to rest for a minute. I examined my throbbing leg. I was relieved to find no blood, only a small gash. But then I remembered. Of course there was no blood! Vampires don't bleed, that's why they love to drink blood or red. I slapped myself in the face remembering vampires could also hover. I still wasn't very good though, and had yet to turn into a bar so I guess that was my only option. The door burst open and Rose appeared in a tight lime-green tank and black skinny jeans.
"Oh my glob! Fiona are you okay?!?" Rose asked panicked. I quickly raised my right thumb in assurance I was fine. I heard a slight giggle.
"What is it?" I asked horsily. I heard her take a deep breath to stop the laughing.
"Oh it's just that gesture. And your um clothes got a bit messed up. But your hair is what really got me." She answered giving another stifled laugh. She lent me a hand and I stood up.
"Is anyone else in there?" I asked gesturing to the doors.
"Um, just Rodney." Rose answered recalling who was in the other room. I took a deep breath and pulled open the door with Rose following behind me. I didn't see him at first but then I saw Rodney sitting behind the tv eating an apple.
"So Rose what was ou-." Rodney started but then caught a glimpse of me. I smirked and shrugged. He started to laugh.
"W-wh-what happened t-to you. Did you f-fall down the st-stairs!" Rodney managed between laughs. Embarrassed I put my head down.
"Yeah." I said shyly. He slowly calmed down. I started to exit the room to go fix the train wreck I made. I trudged up the stairs and Rose followed me.
"Oh, you don't have to follow me. I'm just fine." I reassured her as I reached the top of the stairs.
"Oh I know. I just want to um... give you a makeover." She explained as if it hurt her to say this. Like she wanted to but it wasn't her thought. I shrugged and walked down the cherry wood floors to my room. I twisted the golden colored doorknob and the door swung open. Marshal wasn't there. I wondered were he was. He wasn't downstairs or in the room, I understood there were other rooms. But I didn't know if he was here. I remembered him saying goodbye this morning. Maybe that meant he was going out on the town. I looked in the mirror and was not impressed. My blue jeans had several rips now. My white blouse was falling off my shoulders and was slid up on the right side. My hair was the worst part. It looked as if someone had put their hands on my head and shook them around like crazy.
"Here brush your hair out whole your waiting." Rose said handing my a deep purple brush then swiftly exited the room. After I finished, Rose appeared. She was holding a light blue dress. And black strappy heels. I could see the dress well because it was folded, but it looked beautiful. A wide smile emerged on her face.
"Ce sera une nuit pour se souvenir." She muttered to herself in what I believed to be French.
"Alright close your eyes." She instructed.
"Open up." Rose said excitedly. When I did I was surprised. My hair was curled and put into an elaborate bun. I wore blue eyeshadow and eyeliner the not only was perfect on my eyelid but swirled into three different curls on each eye. I wore long fake black lashes and a shines peach lipgloss. I looked at my dress in the full length mirror and almost cried. I never cry but it was just stunning. It was a gorgeous Egyptian blue with black straps and trip. With a black satin bow tied around my stomach. It went to about my knees where I found black tinted stockings going up my whole legs. I twirled around and hugged Rose.
"Thank you! Thank you so much! It's beautiful. But why? This is really fancy. Are we going somewhere?" I asked overjoyed. She was smiling too.
"Tonight there is going to be a Red Moon concert. It's our first one this year and it's going to be really special." Rose said excitedly. I got even more excited.
"Ooo yay! I've never been to a concert!" I said clapping my hands.
It was dusk when Twilight came into my room. She was wearing her hair in a ponytail and the same elaborate make-up as me. Except hers was purple. She wore a deep-purple dress that went down to a little below her mid-thighs. The dress had long transparent black sleeves. She also wore stalkings like mine.
"Are your ready?" She asked as she walked I to the room.
"Heck yes!" I enthusiastically answered.
"Alright then let's go!" She said excitedly as she gestured for me to follow her. I skipped out of the room and I to the hall. We walked down the dreaded stairs and I made sure to not step on the sixth one. We met up with Rose in the main room. She was wearing identical clothes except hers were scarlet red. I grabbed her and Twilight by the arms and we walked our the door. There was a limo waiting in the parking lot.
"Where is everyone else?" I asked as we stepped into the limo. We all sat down in the red velvet seats.
"Well Kathleen and Jayden have been there for about two hours setting up. And the boys took a separate limo. They were out today so they just wanted to ride separate." Rose answered. I nodded and the driver started to drive. I had never been in a limo before. It wasn't amazing but it was cool just being in one. When we were almost there we stopped.
"Okay, so people are crazy. If they saw us, I think they would tear us apart. We need to sneak in the back way. On my count. Three. Two... One!" Twilight explained. We all dashed out of the car and limo driver drove slowly to the front. I think he was trying to trick the riot waiting for Red Moon. We sprinted to the back where a security guard quickly hustled us in. We were in a dressing room. There was two mirror tables and a desk. There was a large lounging area with a tv. I plunked down on a red couch when the boys walked in. Everyone looked nervous. Truly they had nothing to be worried about. Well maybe the crowd, but that's aside the point. Their music was great!
"Don't worry guys! You'll be fine." I reassured them. This seemed to release some tension. But especially Marshal still looked nervous. I was so confused. He always said music relaxed him. And it's not like he's a shy singer. He could sing amywhere, anytime, to anyone. I scanned over the boy's matching outfits. The both wore black jeans and t-shirts saying "Red Moon." The only difference was Rodney's was dark Orange and Marshal's was dark red. The whole band stood together. I looked at them and they looked amazing. I couldn't wait to hear them all play together. I had only heard them play separately. I saw Marshal casually hand something to Twilight but I could tell what it was. She looked so happy it looked like she was going to explode. When Rose and Rodney saw this they couldn't help but keep the smiles off their faces. Rose walked over to me.
"Want me to show you where to go? Don't worry. You don't have to sit with the riot of a crowd they would be all over you." She explained. We walked out the door that lead to the stage and the curtains were closed but they didn't block out any of the loud screams the crowd was making. Rose lead me across to a couch hidden by a wall put on the stage. It was a perfect view of the instruments but our of the crowds way. It was perfect.
"Thanks Rose!" I exclaimed.
"Here your gonna want these." She said handing me a pair of white ear plugs.
"Here sit, the show is going to start in one minute. Don't forget those ear plugs though." Rose explained. I sat down and put in the ear plugs. They were a bit uncomfortable but I adjusted. Not ten seconds later the band walked out and started to get ready. As soon as they were done I looked at them and mouthed 'good luck.'
"Red Moon, Red Moon, Red Moon!" The crowd chanted. I saw Marshal take a deep breath. Then the curtains opened and I was glad I had the earplugs. Even with them I could hear clearly and it was really loud. I didn't even want to imagine this without them in. When the cheers died down Marshal started to talk.
"Welcome Washington! We are Red Moon!" He said riling them up more. Causing the crowd to give out an ear splitting shriek.
The crowd screamed as they finished a song. People stopped singing along and the dancing died down.
"I'm sad to say, that aaa our last song." Marshal explained. The crowd awwwwed in disappointment. I watched as Rodney and Twilight exited the stage toward me taking a bow. And everyone cheered.
"So where are we going now?" I asked Twilight.
"Keep watching there's more." She said softly as she fixed my hair. I saw Rose lean down and pick up a little thing and handed it to Marshal. I couldn't see what it was. All I saw was the big smile in her face as she took a bow and exited toward us. I gave a thumbs up and then continued to watch listening to Twilight that there was more.
"Oh glob! How could I forget? it's not over!!" Marshal said excitedly. And the crowd roared in surprise.
"You see, on any normal day the concert would be over but this day is nowhere near normal." Marshal explained.
"I would like to invite a special someone on stage." Marshal said looking over at us and gesturing for someone to come. I pointed at myself and mouthed "Me?" He nodded and I got really nervous. I walked over and the crowd went cheering again.
"For those if you who don't know this is Fiona, my girlfriend." Marshal explained and the crowd screamed in excitement.
"Hi!" I said into the microphone. Marshal then handed a second one to me.
"So Fiona, I know this is a surprise to you just being on stage but could you do me and the crowd a favor?" Marshal asked into the microphone.
"Um.. Alright. What is it?" I asked making sure to talk into the mic. Marshal leaned over to me and we put our mics away from our faces as we talked.
"I want you to sing a duet with me. But if you don't want to I'll just make up something else." Marshal told me.
"That's fine." I answered. He nodded and put his mic back up.
"Alright Fiona, here's the deal. Will you sing a duet with me for the fans?" Marshal pretended to just ask. The crowd cheered to try and encourage me.
"Okay! I'll do it!" I answered excited but super nervous. The crowd screamed. Marshal set his microphone on his stand and pulled up the acoustic guitar Rose had brought over. He started to play a familiar tune. But I just couldn't place it. Then he started to sing.
~Quick Authors note.
Okay I always skip over songs but DONT SKIP OVER this one. I changed some lyrics that will play a critical part in the story.
"Good little girl, always picking a fight with me." He started and I almost squealed I hadn't heard this song since I was thirteen but I still remembered. the words.
"You know that I'm bad, but your spending the night with me. What do you want from my world? Your a good girl." He finished and now it was my turn. I nervously started.
"Bad little boy, that's what your acting like. I really don't buy, that your that kind of guy! And if you are, why do you want to hang out with me?" I finished and now it was time for the rap part Marshal sang but it was changed.
"Don't you know that I love you? And you know it's your birthday. And now your eighteen. And now this is legal. So here goes nothing." Marshal started. And he got on one knee and pulled out a ring.
"Fiona would you marry me? I've got nothing to fear, because I love you bunny. So what do you say? Marry me Fiona, my love, I hope you say yes. Because I love you." He finished and by this time my hands were over my mouth in shock. And I could tell most of the crowd was doing the same thing.
"Yes!" I yelled dropping the microphone. And going over to him. He placed the ring on my finger and pulled my into a tight hug which I turned into a long kiss. Behind us the crowd was Ah'ing and cheering and so was the band. I pulled away from him whispering "I love you." and hugging him again. The rest of the band came out and confetti was shot out of cannons as we took a bow. The curtains were closed and I was overflowing with happiness. I had a Fiancée.

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