Chapter 2: Hatching

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Thirteen months had passed and Joshua and Amanda were growing anxious.

"We should get your mother...maybe something is wrong." Said Joshua.
" takes seventeen months for a dragon to hatch." Replied Amanda.
"And it takes nine months for a human child."
"So this is in between."
They were silent for a minute then they looked at each other.
"I'm getting your mother." Said Joshua
"Good idea."
Joshua brought back Amanda's mom and she put one of her claws on the egg.
"Strong pulse, I feel the child moving." She said. Then she looked at the egg and started to rapidly (but gently) poke at the egg.
"Woah um Falria what are you doing?" Asked Joshua.
"It's trying to hatch, but the child doesn't have claws to get out. I'm opening it Litha help me."
Amanda immediately copied her mothers motions and the egg cracked in two revealing a small winged child that started to cry.Joshua picked up the child and put it in his arms.
"She's gorgeous." Said Joshua. He then put the baby girl in Amanda's hand (?) (What do you even call the hand of a dragon? I mean it's not a claw that's like the nail so... Meh)
"She's so small." Said Amanda smiling at the baby.
"Her wings look strong." Said Falra approvingly.
"Meet your grandchild." Said Amanda as she handed her to Falra.
Falra smiled and and rolled the child gently around in her hand.
"You're right to say she's tiny, I'm afraid I will crush her like glass. What are you going to name her?" Asked Falra.
"Joshua wished to name her Hannah, I wished to name her Nitha. So Hannah Nitha Kilgrave." Said Amanda.
"Nitha? That means beautiful fire right?" Asked Joshua.
"Yes very good Joshua." Said Amanda.
"I think it's very suiting." Said Falra.
"I agree, Hannah Nitha it is." Said Joshua.
"I will get your father and Jinku. They will want to meet your new child." Said Falra handing back the baby to Amanda, who then handed her to Joshua and shifted to her human form, then took back the baby. Falra then left, leaving Amanda and Joshua alone.
"Babe, you might want to put on some clothes before your dad comes." Said Joshua.
"You're probably right." Said Amanda. She then handed the baby to Joshua and went to her room where she kept her human clothes. She came back dressed in a red dress and took back the baby.
"Her wings are silver like mothers." Said Amanda.
"Yes, and she has your nose." Said Joshua.
"And your eyes."
The moment was ruined by the stomps of a running dragon.
"Where's my little godchild? Where is she? Awww..." Said Natalie,
"She's adorable! Can I hold her?" Asked Natalie.
Amanda handed her to Natalie and she too gently rolled the little baby around in the palm of her hand.
"She's the tiniest cutest itsy bitsy thing ever! Look at her tiny silver wings she looks like a tiny fairy!" Natalie said smiling.
"Well I wouldn't know I haven't seen her yet." Said Amanda's father walking in.
"Byunhi, it good to see you sir." Said Joshua.
"It is good to see you as well Joshua. Now where's my grandchild?" Smiled Byunhi.
Natalie handed him the child and he held her in his strong hand. He looked down and smiled.
"She has your mothers scales." Said Byunhi.
"What's her name?" Asked Natalie.
"Hannah Nitha Kilgrave." Replied Amanda.
"A fitting name for a delicate work of art such as this." Said Byunhi approvingly. He then handed the baby to Joshua and looked at Amanda.
"You did well Litha, she will be wise like her mother and as open hearted as her father." Said Byunhi.

Happy with their new grandchild, according to dragon tradition the grandparents stayed the first month and completely swooned over their new grandchild.

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