Now I Can Ask My Question

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I don't know if I've ever felt as much heart break as I do in this moment. His body lay still, his breaths short. His parents, along with his brother sit in the chairs that help occupy the space in the room. His mother is a mess. She's can't even look at him without bursting into tears. His dad and brother just sit there as if they are in a trance.

I slowly enter the room, my heels making small clicking noises. I slip them off and give the family a look of empathy, myself trying not to show my emotions around them. "D-do you think I could have a moment alone with him?" I ask them politely, biting my lip harder than I could comprehend.

"Of course..." his father says, standing up, putting a hand on my left shoulder. The rest of the family stand up and shortly exit the room, one after the other.

Then all of a sudden, it was just me and him. Just like it was supposed to be from the beginning, but this time it's different.

At first, I cross my arms staring out the window because I thought looking at him would be way to hard for me to do, and I was right. As soon as I turned around and took a good look at him I burst into tears. His face had bruises and cuts that were stitched. His face was also swollen and he had two tubes going up his nose to help him breathe.

I step closer to him and pull a chair up to the side of his bed, sitting in it. I lightly grab onto his hand and hold it in mine. I place my forehead down on the top of both of our hands. "I'm sorry this happened to you..." I weep onto our hands. "It's wouldn't have happened if people weren't so stupid!" I say beginning to sound angry.

Seconds later I hear the door open and a nurse comes in wearing light blue scrubs. He had supplies in his hands, but I wasn't sure what for.

"The x-rays just got back and his right wrist is fractured. Also his left foot was broken in two which will require him to have surgery." He says placing what looked to be bandages on the side of the bed. I look down at our hands making sure I'm not holding the injured one and I wasn't.

"I'm just gonna wrap his wrist since it's not gonna require a real cast." He says taking a pair of gloves, slipping them onto his hands. "So you the....sister?" He asks, a eyebrow raised.

"Girlfriend" I chuckle slightly, sniffling my nose.

"Ah girlfriend of course..." he says. He takes a rubbing alcohol wipe and begins to clean around where he's going to wrap. "How long have you guys been together?" He asks

I smile at the word 'together'. "About 5 years now..." I say, surprising myself that it's been that long.

"Wow!" The man says. "And your not married?"

"No..." I chuckle. "I hope to be one day" I admit, knowing the answer was true. I love Steven so much and wanting to marry him isn't even a question I ask myself anymore.

The man smiles at me and takes a white sleeve and puts it on steven wrist, making a base for the actual wrap. "What's your name?" He asks, looking up at me.

I got a good look at him, seeing he was younger. Younger than me anyways. He had short, brown hair and brown eyes. He was handsome I have to admit, but no where near as handsome as Steven. Everything about Steven was better than him. His eyes , his cheekbones, even his hands were better. "Lauren" I say. "You?"

"My names James" he says, now taking the actual wrap. He starts towards the bottom of Stevens wrist and works his way up, wrapping around his thumb a few times and back down till he's out of wrap. He takes two odd looking pins to secure the wrap and he finishes. "Well it was nice meeting you Lauren" he says.

"Yea, you too" I say watching him make his way towards the door.

"Oh I almost forgot..." he says peering his head back into the room. "His family said they were gonna head home so you can stay here as long as you want" he says.

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