Who Do You Let Define You?

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In this life, people will say all kinds of stuff about you, that may be mean, insulting or uplifting. As many of us are, we easily tend to believe what others say we are, but we shouldn't, we believe what the Lord says we are and not what people say you're not. Its so easy at times to believe the negativity that  is being said than the positive we can see in ourselves. Don't just read these words but believe them as you say them:
I'm Something, I'm worth it

I Can Do it, I'm not a failure

Whatever I put my hands to do it shall prosper

I'm a Woman of Favour and Flavour

I'm a Man Integrity

I was brought here for a purpose

I am Purpose

My life is worth Living

I shall accomplish my goals in Jesus Name

I will be whoever I want to be

I am rich and not poor

I love me

I love who I am

I can do anything I put my hands to do

I am the Child of a King
In Jesus Name.

Believing the negativity that others say about you, will only tear you down, allow you feel about yourself and give you a Low
self esteem, and that could affect you in so many ways. What could be worst than someone growing that doesn't feel good about themselves? Be not defined by what others say about you, whether negative or positive but be defined by what God says you are and who you declares yourself to be. Neither feel insulted or ashamed but use those insults for uplifting encouragement to help build your character.

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