Unforgotten Experiences

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There are moments in a person's life, when they are bothered and troubled by the memory of past experiences.  For some it's abuse from someone that was very dear to you, indulging in things that were wrong, or just simply following the wrong crowd.

The enemy might try to attack you with nightmares and horrible flash backs but your past will still remain the past. Yeah you might have been a horrible person, you may have done some really bad things but even if you're not a christian you can be forgiven for God has not condemned you.

We are all a set of imperfect people, desperate for God's divine help as we go along each day. Don't be too hard on yourself, the first step is to forgive yourself.
When you forgive yourself it makes it easier for you to move on pass your mistakes.
Repent of your sins; confess of your sins asking for forgiveness ask the Lord to come into your heart, control your mind and rake charge of your thoughts.

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