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I sighed as Kylie just stared at the ceiling . She's been kinda distant but at the same time she's not . I knew it was a bad idea to text that girl .

I don't want nobody but Kylie . She means the world to me . I wish she would see that .

"Umm babe what movie do you wanna watch"I asked .

She shrugged her shoulders .

"Well what do you want to eat"I said . Once again she shrugged her shoulders .

I sat beside her .

"Kylie I know you don't trust me or probably don't even want to be with me anymore . But I'm really sorry for why I did . Honestly . It was stupid of me to do what I did. I Love You Bae. Let me make you smile again"I mumbled holding her hand .

"MJ I'm just kinda taken back at what's been happening . I'm really hurt but I forgive you . I don't really know if I can trust you again like I use to . I Love You Too but it's gonna take time to get back how it was"she said .

I nodded . "Can I have a kiss"I said .

She nodded climbing into my lap . She kissed me softly as I held into her waist .

Flashback over

Now that it's been two weeks since that happened I really have been trying hard to get back to how it was . I think I'm doing good . Kylie is smiling and grinning now more often .

We spend a lot of time together now . Right now we at my house cuddling talking about our future and how we feel. She's on her period so we can't do anything . That's okay though because I don't want her to feel like I'm with her for sex .

"Babe my tummy hurts"she whined .

"Want some medicine"I said rubbing her stomach

"No I want food"she said

"What kind"I said

"Anything "she pouted .

"Okay baby . Stay here I'll be back"I said pecking her lips . I grabbed my keys and left the house . I derive to dory different places . I got her some chicken from KFC and Bojangles . I got the fries from Bojangles also . I got her some snacks for later from the store and I got some pizza from Papa Johns .

I went back home and sat it on the bed . "Awww Thank You Bae"she said .

"Your Welcome. Wanna watch a movie"I asked . She nodded getting some chicken outta the box .

I turned to her favorite cartoon movie . The Spongebob Movie .

She's so cute and kiddy when she's on her period . She's usually mean and had no filter . Lol .

She said the words along with the movie as she ate . I grabbed some pizza and ate it .

"I'm A Goofy Goober Yeah. "She said . Lord .

After that movie was over we just watched regular shoes of Spongebob. She was still singing along.

"Let's Gather 'round the campfire and sing our campfire song . Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G Song . And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then your wrong . But it'll help if you just sing along . Bum Bum Bum Bum ....."she sang

I just watched in amazement as she said and sang every lyric to the show . After most of the food was done I put the rest up . I rubbed her stomach until she was falling asleep .

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