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Justice in mm ❤️

3 months later

"I swear I can't with these kids"I said to my Co-Worker Amelia .

"I know . One lil boy bit me today . I almost knocked the snot outta his ass"she said

I laughed biting into my sandwich .

"So how was it being pregnant with Justice"she asked

"Hurtful. I was so glad when she came because I needed a break. I was craving and hurting and emotional ."I said

"That's how I felt with TJ and Xavier"she said

"How old are they now"I asked

"TJ is 16 and Xavier is 14"she said

"Gosh , when Justice be that age she just gonna stay up in her room because I'm not dealing with no boyfriends or girlfriends , whatever she choses but I'm not dealing with it "I said

"I understand . TJ is trying to teach Xavier to impress some girl . It's a mess "she said making me laugh.

"That's a shame . He should just be himself"I said

"Ladies you have 2 minutes"Dr. Lloyd said

"Ight man ."I said

"Don't get smart Shorty"he smiled .

Everyone is cool in here . We joke a lot but we are serious about work .

We wrapped up our thing then went back to our desk . Since I was on Recep. today I was taking calls .

I looked t the clock . 12:32

4 hours before i get to go to bed .

The phone rang and I groaned . Let the games begin.


"Hey BabyGirl"I said picking up Justice .

She smiled at me . I grabbed her things and signed her out .

"Oh Ms.Terry Umm can I have a word with you"the lady said .

She walked up to me ." I just wanted to let you know that Justice had a little mishap today . One of the boys thought it was okay to take her Elephant and she got a little upset and punched him . So they both went to time out"she said

"Wow . I taught her well"I said leaving .

I put Justice in her car seat then I got in.

"Maaaaa"she smiled .

"Yes baby"I said

She pointed to the window as I drove . I let the window down a little while listening to music .

The song that played was Push it by O. T. Genasis.

When we got home I sat her down and let her crawl around as usual . 

It's about 5 right now so let me get into something more comfortable .

I put Justice in her PlayPin and turned in the tv.

I took a quick shower then put on some shorts and a t-shirt.

I went to check on Justice and she was ok . I gave her some juice and some Cheetos . All she does is suck on them until they've softened then either swallow or throw it away.

A knock came at the door . I opened it and it was Phoenix . Yes she knows where I live.

She sometimes come over and I go to her house but only because she just wants to chill. Phoenix still doesn't have a girlfriend . She's looking for love . She had a big heart honestly .

"Hey"i said letting her in.

She hugged me tight." You smell good"she said .

"I just finished taking a shower"I said . I sat on the couch and she sat beside me

"Oh . How was work"she asked

"Stressful. How was your day"I asked

"Same. I'm hungry though"she said getting up going into the kitchen.

When she came back she had a whole sandwich made .

"Damn you play no games"I said .

She smiled and started eating .


"Kylie I'm Home"MJ yelled through the house .

I wiped off Justice's face ." Mama is home ."I said making her smile .

"We In The Bathroom"I yelled back.

I washed my baby's hair . She don't like it but it has to be washed . MJ walked in and kissed my cheek.

"Hey baby , how was your day"she said

"It was alright. How was yours"I asked

"Terrible . Mason has been up my ass all day . And all I do is sit there and take his shit"she said

"Well aren't you supposed to . He is your supervisor"I said

"Yeah I know but still"she said

"Go take a shower I'm gonna go start dinner"I said drying off Justice .

"What we having"she asked stripping

"Food"I laughed . She glared at me .

I put Justice on her onesie and went downstairs . I put her in her highchair and started on dinner .

When MJ was done with her shower she came into the kitchen with her Calvin Klein panties on and a sports bra .

She looks sexy in the panties . She watched me as I cooked .

"Baaabbbyyy"she said

"Yes "I said

"So I was Umm thinking that maybe we should go out"she said

"On a date"I smirked

"Yes"she said

"Okay"I smiled

She came up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I Love You"she said kissing on my neck.

"I Love You Too"I said .

I finished up the food and we ate . After dinner me and MJ decided to watch a movie . I had already put Justice to bed so we good.

"Oh and about the date . Maybe it can be a Triple Date"she said

"Like how"I asked

"Me , You , Bre , Brit , and mmm Paris and Sofia "she said

"Why don't you like them"I asked

"Because I feel like they can easily take you from me"she said

"Nobody can take me from you babe"I said holding her hand.

She rested her head on my lap . I leaned down to kiss her .

"I can't wait til this weekend"she said

"Well it's tomorrow so you only have a couple of hours"I said

She smiled "Smart ass"she said .

"I don't wanna be dumb baby"I said .

We finished watching the movie then went to bed .

I climbed on top of her and she wrapped her arms around me .

I felt good in her arms .

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