Example { 1 } The Hole

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The hole:

you're stuck inside it.

It's deep and dark; its shadows cast down on you, making you feel as if there is no way out.

Cold as the nights you sit on your concrete porch gazing into a universe full of stars making your mind wonder why you; a small speck of a being, is put on this earth when there are 7 billion others, worth much more to this world.

But though it shows little sign of hope, it too has its sparks of happiness. Making your heart pump with warm emotion again like it once used to.

You're rarely brave enough to look up at the beam of sunlight,

for when you think it will treat you kindly it slams shut... All the light you one had dissipates.

You just see the intimidating shadows of those around you looking down,

whispers and low tones of those who are still living their normal,  everyday lives.

You watch in defeat as your soul wishes to be up there with them, but there always seems to be a rope pulling you back down. A heavy cloud corrupting your every thought.

And it saddens you even worse to know that this is something that you've accepted, it's grown deeper with you.

You're letting it become you.

For you know resisting it and pushing the feeling back down only makes the pain even more unbearable.

And the hole even deeper.

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