Here's to Never Growing Up

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This one-shot was inspired by "Here's to Never Growing Up" by Avril Lavigne

Lance smiled. "Here's to kicking Keith's butt in practice and causing the cornel to puke."

"Lay off Lance." Keith growled, punching the other boy in the arm.

They were drunk. Due to their great success in practice today, Lance had thought it a brilliant idea to sneak in some illegal beer and now he, Keith, and the other boys of their class were sitting around in their barracks taking shots and playing games.

"Aw, Keith baby are you pouting?"

"Shut up Lance, I'm not pouting."

"Sure honey."

"Hey Lance!" A boy named Alex called from the other half of the room. "We've been spotted!"

"Quiznack!" Lance shouted. "Everyone hide! Keith follow me!"

Sure they were tipsy but this wasn't anything they hadn't done before. Keith gave Lance a very cocky grin and started grabbing bottles.

"Open Up!" a guard shouted from outside the door. "You have three seconds! Three!" Lance opened a window. "Two!" Keith crawled out carrying the majority of bottles, Lance had the rest. "One!"

The guards pushed the door down. Everywhere teens ran, some of them hidden, some of them still looking for a hiding spot, but the guards only noticed two people: Keith and Lance running away outside. "Damn them!" the guard shouted and radioed the boys' location.

"Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me; I'm the gingerbread man!" Lance called down the road to the guards close in pursuit.

"LANCE!KEITH! STOP RIGHT THERE!" the cornel shouted from behind.

"You can kiss my backside Cornel!" Keith shoutedback. He flashed Lance a grin as they picked up the pace. The two boyscontinued to run and run and run until dawn broke when the guards found them passedout against each other on the side of the road. The bottles were nowhere to befound.

A/N: Hey guys! So this is a Voltron one-shot and I really proud of it considering the fact that I was falling asleep while trying to make this and my dad was right next to me so I was trying to hide this from his as well so I hope you guys enjoy! ~Mags

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