Sincla Mystro

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    Floorboards whined as I crept towards the oak door. Where am I? What’s going on? Billions of scenarios surged through my mind; was I kidnapped, or did someone discover me and sell me? What did they do to me while I was out? Did they steal anything?

   Then out of nowhere someone spoke, “Well, hello. You have been asleep for about ten hours now and I was beginning to worry. I am Sarutobi H-”   

   “Eeeeeeeeeeep!” I whirled around and found myself face to face with… AN ELDERLY SHARPE-LIKE MAN! Whoa, wait! That’s not scary. L It’s an old great, great, great grandpa dude… This is weird. Seriously, what is going on!? >:0 You know what? I’m gonna ask him! “Where am I? Who’re you? What’s going on?”

    Sharpe man-no- Mr. Wrinkles smiled, making him wrinklier, and answered, “You are in Konoha, located in the Land of Fire. I am the Hokage or leader. A child, Uzimaki Naruto, discovered you in a tree just barely on the village outskirts… What were you doing there? Where are you from? Is there family waiting for you at your village? What is your name, age, and is there ninja in your village? If so, are you one, and what rank?” Wow! Mr. Wrinkles knows how to interrogate! Congratulations Mr. Wrinkles! Should I answer his questions? If so, should I answer honestly? Or should I lie? I mentally went over the pros and cons for a moment and figured, 'Why not? '. I mean what could it endanger?

  “Sure! Gimme a paper so I can answer the basics! YAY!!!” Once he handed over paper and a writing utensil I wrote:

Name: Crystal Mystro Sincla

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Hair: Lilac

Eyes: Deep, deep blue.

Clan: Don’t want to discuss ;)

Kekkei Genkei: Don’t want to discuss right now :)’

Blood type: AB

Chakra Type: Wind and Earth

Criminal Record: None :D

Rank: I’m not a ninja ;)’

“Okay I’m done.” I announced as I laid my parchment on his desk and returned the writing utensil.

    Mr. Wrinkles scrutinized my information and frowned, “W-” *POOF!* A guy appeared out of nowhere! I did a half-nelson on him and aimed my sword at his heart before I knew what I, myself, was doing. “Ms. Sincla, it’s just one of my Johnin! Please, calm down!” Gramps panicked.

    “*Giggle* Sorry. I am a bit jumpy, I guess. <3” I released the man and scrutinized him. With silver-like white hair that is spiked to the left, a Konoha head band that covers his left eye, a black mask that conceals his face, midnight pants and a long-sleeve shirt with an evergreen Johnin vest, this guy made my heart skip a beat.

    “So, what is it, Kakashi?” Gramps cleared his throat. Kakashi? Mmmmm… I like it. Wait! Kakashi, as in Hatake Kakashi?

     Kakashi reluctantly tore his grey eye from me and focused it on Mr. Wrinkles, “I came to report that the mission was a success and we received very little difficulties, Sir.” Gramps nodded and Kakashi “discretely” peered at me from the corner of his eye.

    Seeing this Mr. Wrinkles introduced us, “Oh! Hatake Kakashi meet Sincla Crystal Mystro. She is the girl Naruto discovered. Ms. Sincla informed me that she is not a ninja, but, with what she did just now I would say that she is at least a Johnin, don’t you agree?” Kakashi nodded in agreement and “secretly” gawked at me. “Would you consider being a ninja, Ms. Sincla?”

    “Hmmmmm… Sure!”     


Naruto is not mine!

Warning: I take FOREVER to update! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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