Chapter 5

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The car journey was silent. Ally drove into a street of houses and Camila knew instantly that this was the rich part of town.

"Last one in the house has to call for the pizza!" Ally shouted.

All of the girls squabbled trying to get into the front door, Camila was the second person inside and Normani was the last .

"Let's watch Netflix!" Ally shouted,

The other three girls ran in and took charge of the arm chairs like they were in there own house, Camila wandered in slowly. She was mesmerised by how big the house was. Ally's parents must be very rich. What do people do to earn this much ? Murder people. Camila laughed quietly at her own joke.

Camila walked into the room and sat on the crisp white armchair. Ally put something on Netflix but Camila wasn't really into it.

"Damon is so hot !" Dinah exclaimed

"No way!  Klaus is much better " Normani argued.

"Team Stephan!" Ally said.

Lauren rolled her eyes and looked very uncomfortable, Camila shrugged it off lauren was probably not interested in the show.

Camila's bag was resting against her foot, Ally jumped up almost killing Camila with fright and utter surprise.

"Mani has to order the pizza," Ally pointed out.

"Noooo!" Normani whined.

"Yesssssssss!" Camila mimicked Normani,

All of the other girls looked at her as if the had just remembered Camila was there. Camila grew extremely uncomfortable but the four girls all started to laugh.

"Ok y'all want a soda?" Ally asked,

The three girls all said yes and Camila was silent.

"Can I just have water please ?" Camila asked politely .

Ally tilted her head to the side with a confused expression.

"How odd " she smiled,

"I- I don't really like fizzy drinks" Camila stammered, her palms getting clammy with sweat as the girl got nervous.

"What?" Dinah asked.

"What kind of a monster doesn't like soda ?" Dinah exclaimed.

"Chill Dinah, we don't want to scare her off," the smaller girl said before disappearing.

"I'll order the pizza," Normani said rolling her eyes.

"Camila whatcha want? " the girl asked

"Uh... erm just whatever you guys are having I don't mind," Camila said.

"Okay" Normani walked out of the living room for some peace and quiet so she could make the phone call.

"She already knows our orders we get pizza a lot," Dinah said .


Cool? Cool! Who the hell replies with cool, like that's the worst thing to reply ever Camila! Camila felt like such an idiot .

Ally and Normani appeared at the same time, Ally handed everyone drinks and then started to get into the show. Soon the pizza came and all the girls were munching into pizza watching the tv.

Many many hours later, Camila never knew the time only that it was very late. She urgently needed the bathroom .

"Erm, Ally where's the bathroom?" Camila stuttered.

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