Chapter 18

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A/N: sorry I haven't updated this in a While. oh my gods this book has just hit 900 reads and I'm crying because I never thought it would come this far I expected like one person to read this and I just, thank you all so much!


Ian was lying in bed tossing and turning. He couldn't seem to get to sleep because he had a bad feeling.

He decided to check up on Camila to make sure she was okay. Slowly he got up and walked over to her bedroom. Ian opened the door and instantly seen that the girl was not in the bedroom. He told himself that she was okay and that she was probably just in the bathroom. But some how he couldn't convince himself so he walked over to the bathroom and tried to open the door.


"Camila are you in there?" Ian asked and there was no response.

"Camila," Ian said raising his voice but there was still no answer.

"Camila I will kick this door down if you don't come out. You hear me?" Ian said louder and there was still no movement from the other side of the door.

Ian sighed and he took a step back before booting the door. He kicked and he kicked and he kicked until there was a popping noise. The hinges came loose and the door opened.

Ian gasped loudly at the scene before him. Camila lay on the floor passed out. Lying next to her was a box of pills. An empty box of pills. The realisation kicked in and Ian let out a loud sob.

He grabbed his phone and dialled 911.

"Hello 911 what's your emergency?" A woman asked.

"I- I need an ambulance! She has tried to overdose and- please GET HERE NOW SHE IS NOT BREATHING!" Ian sobbed.

He gave the address and he sat the phone down.

Ian lay the small girl on the cold bathroom door and he knelt over her and started doing CPR. He was doing CPR for around a minute until the ambulance sirens were heard. Two paramedics ran into the house.

"How long has she been out?" The bald paramedic asked.

"I - I don't know I found her five minutes ago," Ian stuttered. He was a nervous wreck. She couldn't die. She couldn't.

"Okay you've done a great job sir but we need to take over." The bald paramedic gently moved Ian out of the way.

The bald paramedic took over the CPR whilst the other paramedic set up machines.

"P-please you need to save her," Ian whimpered.

The paramedics set up machines and they were going to shock Camila to try and start her heart.

"All clear?" the bald man asked.

"All clear," the other man said.

With a press of a button there was a shocking noise and Camila was shocked.

The bald man shook his head,

"It didn't work." He said and Ian whimpered loudly.

"Please Camila you are strong you can fight." Ian whispered.

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