Chapter 1

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This place was different from the others I had lived in, and yet not. The people were curious, and perhaps cautious, but this place seemed more tightly knit. Everyone knew, or had at least heard of, everyone.

I was very aware that the shopkeepers whose businesses I partook in loved to gossip about me. They always asked me questions. How I was doing, what I'd done for work recently, what model my AllMate was. Some I answered, others I pretended not to understand or ignored. I kept my living space private, thankful that my neighbor's had respected that out of their own want for peace and quiet.

Some tried to ask me why I came here, or about my past. I simply explained that it was my business to attend to, and not theirs. Hmph. Humans are most peculiar beings. They stake such pride of being alive, a concept nearly impossible for an android to understand.

I've yet to find another android here on the island. That's alright. I'm not used to socializing anyways.

I'm classified officially as a 'faulted automaton', meaning I'm broken by design. I'm not supposed to feel a lot of emotion, besides a certain two. Fear and love. Well, as much as an android can love, which is flawed to begin with. Because of this, when I was removed from my last Master's care, I had a device implanted within my body that monitors the state of my body. Should I sustain constant damage over time, it will alert the authorities to send someone to check on me. The device is known as a Rubicon, and takes the shape of a small teal box the size of my palm. Androids with this installed are usually referred to as Rubix.

Personally, I'm thankful for the device. I don't want to be a punching bag or a sex toy, I simply want to serve someone and see them smile. I'd cook for them, do the house chores, listen to anything they wished to tell me. I'd comfort them, hug and cuddle them if they needed it. It's understandable if I must be punished for a misdeed, but I don't see reason in hurting another for no reason.

Perhaps that very thought was what had gotten me into this whole pickle.

"Huh? You want to say that again, pretty boy?!"

I exhaled slowly at the arrogant tone of the man in front of me, ignoring the coughing of the younger boy who'd been previously beaten before I arrived.

"I said to stop this violence. It's unnecessary."

"I'll stop when I want to, brat. Get him!"

Oh. Well then. Don't all stop and talk a minute, that won't keep you from the hospital. The first man to rush me was met with a hard palm to his gut, causing him to splutter and fall to the ground. The second was kicked back into the third, effectively taking both of them out for the time being. The fourth seemed more cautious, and attacked with a few punches, which were automatically dodged. Seeing as he wasn't going to sit still enough for me to try and maneuver, I stepped on his foot and leaned all of my weight into it. He shrieked as the sound of cracking bones filled the disturbed air.

Ha. That's what happens when you fight an android who's a hell of a lot heavier than you. Though I am known as a lighter model than most...

I raise my foot, the fourth scrambling away and clutching his foot. The leader finally rushed me himself, and seemed surprised when I didn't move. He made to punch me in the stomach, his fist hitting me with a harsh thud. Nothing. Didn't feel a thing, besides the information that he'd hit me at all. I watched as he slowly looked up at me, fear written in his eyes.

"My apologies, but a human hand really can do very little against an android."

He backed away, scowling. His friends, or lackeys really, congregated near him, some clutching their injuries. Now I feel like I've done a bad thing. Have I? So hard to know without a master.

"W-we'll remember this!!"

They run off, one limping due to his broken foot. I can't help but sigh, dusting off my clothes. I turn to the younger boy, reaching out a hand and offering a warm smile.

"Are you alright? I'm terribly sorry for the violence, it was an unfortunate necessity."

He gives me one pain-filled look, coupled with a tiny smile, before falling limp. It stuns me for a moment, before I realize he's simply unconscious. I scoop him up, marveling at how small he was. Not even out of middle school yet... Poor cher.

I carry him to the hospital, leaving him there with the nurses. I head home, gloved hands in the pockets of my beige trench coat. I'm greeted by the sight of Titan sitting just inside the door, his tail thumping upon the ground quietly.

I pet the top of his head before sitting on the couch. He jumps up and lays against me, he head on my lap. I stroke his ears as I close my eyes, receding into my systems for a bit. A new update from my maker came in yesterday, but I'd waited to install it until it had passed by my analytics. I don't like being bugged out. It's not very pleasant.

Then again, there's not much that's ever pleasant to me in this world.

A Rubix (DRAMAtical Murder fanfic) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now