Chapter 2 at the race

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Lily's POV:

I got ready for the race.oh I just so happy that my parents aren't here and if they were they would kill because I'm not allow to go to those races but who said I couldn't go when my parents aren't here but guess what I'm going to this race like it or not . oh my I'm going to be late I told Rosie that I'll be there at 7pm and it's 6:58pm its almost 7pm I have to go now .

*At the race*

I saw Rosie dancing with James her boyfriend then I felt hands on my waist I turn around to see the one and only curly haired Harry Styles the criminal who robbs banks and killed a cop I like it he is so sexy andc cute at the same time

"oh look its Harry Styles the.." I got cut off by him kissing me on the lips I kissed back oh my I felt fireworks inside of me . then he pulled away and looked at me

"sorry to do that because no one is suppose to know I'm a criminal." he whispers to me

"sorry okay " I whisper back

" so this is your first time being here at a race?" he asked

"yeah first time because parents aren't here so yeah." I told him

" you are a bad girl who just comes to a race when her parents aren't here. I like it do want a drink ?" he asked

" yeah I would." I said

he went to bring two red cups filled with a liquid that I love so much when he came back with the two red cups he gave one to me and I dranked it then I kiss Harry again god this boy here is killing me .

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