Snape's Daughter

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Description: Being Snape's daughter and dating Draco.

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: ?

(Authors note: I wont b e updating this weekend as I am at my dads. Sorry for the lack of updates as I have suddenly been hit the harsh reality of a social life, Can't wait until my scout camps are over and done with so i can put more rime into these.)

First Year

"(Y/n) Snape,"Professor McGonagall calls my name I step forward nervously and I take a seat on the stool. Professor puts the hat on my head and I now notice the silence that has swept across the room. I close my eyes as the the sorting hat thinks.

"You have traits of a Hufllepuff I see..."

I panic and snap my eyes open and look at the Hufflepuff table who are grimacing at this news.

"But your heart belongs to only one house... It better be... Slytherin!"

Instant relief washes over my body and I hop down from the chair and skip lightly to the cheering Slytherin table.

I glance at staff table at father who gives a quick wink before turning his attention back to the rest of the students.

"Snape..."I hear someone ponder over my name. I turn so see a girl with a pudgy looking face staring at me.

"Yes?"I ask her and give her a questioning look.

"Like Professor Snape?" she asks and I nod.

"He's my father,"

"oh, cool. I'm Pansy Parkinson,"She introduces her self and I shake her out stretched hand grudgingly. She seems a bit of cow.

"Ah, if it isn't Snape's daughter,"I hear the familiar voice of a Malfoy.

"Draco!"I say happily and I give him a hug. He smiles too.

"Good to see you were put in Slytherin, I thought you were about to be made Hufflepuff,"

"I was terrified!"I laugh and he starts to laugh too.

The thing about Draco Malfoy is that I've always been friends with him. Our parents are friends and so we see each other a lot. It was always a give in that he'd be put in Slytherin.

I at least know that if nothing else this year, Draco will be my friend.

Later I meet my dad in his classroom.

"Well done, ( y/n)," He smiles, something which is rarely seen at the Snape household.

"I was so scared I'd be in Hufflepuff!"I grin and he just gives a soft chuckle before ruffling my hair.

"Run along now, tomorrow is a big day, get some sleep,"He says and I run and wrap my arms around him and give him a hug.

"Love you, Dad!"I call back as near the exit of the classroom.

"I love you too,(Y/n),"I hear him mumble behind me and it makes me smile.


Fourth Year

Kissing Draco is strange. His lips are so soft and kind I forget he's a Malfoy for a minute. His hands are on my waist and our lips moving in time with each other in the the most gentle way possible. I recover from my shock and my arms move on their own and I find my self with my arms around his neck.

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