Jekyll and hyde

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This wasn't new. I've passed out and woken up in strange places before. Is something wrong with me? I would also wake up with blood in my hands but of course I don't tell anyone, they'll say I'm crazy.
"...eaving. Hey! Rosè Are you even listening to me? " my older brother Minho exclaimed. "No, sorry" I said sheepishly "It's okay" Minho chuckled "all I'm saying is that I have duty calls,so I'll be home late, don't wait for me okay?" "okay" both me and my twin sister Jennie said in unision. "I love you guys" he declared kissing both Jennie's and I foreheads. "Be good, don't do anything I wouldn't do" "yes, yes we get it, now go before you're late for work" Jennie interrupted him while rolling her eyes. "Bye!" Minho exclaimed.

The first thing I noticed when I woke up it was that i was not in my room I was in the forest with grass as green as the jokers hair and trees as tall as a skyscraper . I was laying down on the ground on top of stones who were stabbing me in the back with their pointy edges. I looked around the forest and needless to say I was horrified on what I have just seen. There laying down on the floor coated with blood from head to toe was Jennie. "Jennie!" I screamed as I ran to her "oh no, oh no, no, no.Please wake up" I broke down while caressing her face and I as did that I noticed that my hands were covered in blood. Had I done this? There's no way i could've done this. Why would I coldly murder my other half? "Please wake up" I cried while shaking her body "I need you in my life, we were supposed to grow up old together, things shouldn't have ended like this" I whimpered "Please wake up,what am I going to do without you in my life" I sniffed. No I need to get out of here because if I don't they'll think I killed her. "You have to go" a melodic voice said in my head. "I- but- I can't she's my twin I just can't leave her here"I stuttered "also what would I do with her body?" 'just roll it down the river" the voice said.

I got up and dragged Jennie's body to the river struggling on the way, I had to get rid of her body even though it'll hurt me. I wish I wouldn't have to do this but it's the only way. "I love you Jennie" I whispered as I watched her body roll down to the river. If only there was another way.
I went to granny cho's house after what happened at the forest there was no way I was going back to my now old house. There's no way I was going back to Minho who's is a police officer and one of the best. I'll easily break down and tell him everything and he'll send me to prison. I don't want that.

"Oh dear, you scared me, I didn't see you there" granny cho bounced. "Sorry granny didn't mean to scare you" chuckled . "No it's okay hunny, not to sound rude or anything but why are you here" granny Cho said. "I was walking on the forest and decided to visit you" I lied. There's no way I would tell her what happened earlier in the forest. "Well thank you, I was wondering if you all forgot about this old lady" granny said. "Granny how can we forget you,you raised up when mom wasn't here" I laughed and went to hug her. "where's Jennie and Minho?"she asked. "Oh umm Minho is working and umm Jennie went to the movie theatre with her friends" I lied. "Are you sure honey, you don't seem sure" Granny said. "I-umm-uh yes, it's just that I'm tired" I said to granny Cho. "I'm staying here okay? Granny" I turned to and looked at her for approval. "Of course, you're always welcomed here" she announced. "Well goodnight, love you" I said to granny while kissing her forehead."Goodnight" she repeated. "I love you too"

At that night I wasn't expecting to wake up at 3:49 in the morning hearing minho and his partner in crime, officer Park, and granny having a conversation. So I decided to eavesdrop. " sure it's really her" granny Cho cried. "Yes Mrs.Cho it really was her, we had a call from a passerby saying that they smelled a weird odor coming from the forest, so we went there to see if something was up and we found your granddaughter's body covered in blood with various stab wounds scattered around her body, Ma'am" explained officer Park to granny Cho. "No, my granddaughter is not dead" granny denied. "No, granny it really was her, it really was my baby sister" Minho said with tears in his eyes."But now we're working on finding the murderer of Jennie, I swear I if get my hands on the culprit I'll....." "Minho stop" granny interrupted him. "I know how you feel....but please stop I can't do this" granny wailed "I'm going to sleep and when I wake up everything will be perfectly fine"granny muttered to herself. "Yes you go do that, you need some rest. Come one Park let's go" Minho said while walking to the door. "Love you grandma" granny didn't even glance at him. I quietly gasped there's no way they could've found her body that quick.

It's been a couple of weeks and the police still haven't found the person responsible for Jennie's murder. I tried, I really did. I tried to tell my brother what happened that night in the forest but I just didn't have the guts to do it. Everything I tried to tell Minho or officer park I went out and backed out. Living without Jennie was weird out first, imagine living without something that you really value and love but I managed all thanks to the voice in my head which I have decided to call Jisoo.
I've been trying to talk to Jisoo about what happened to Jennie to see if she knew anything and what she said really shocked me. She said that i was the one who killed my sister but of course I ignored her, why would I believe her? She's my twin why would I do that to her?
Today I decided to visit Granny Cho once again because after what Jisoo said to I was feeling down. I heard the doorbell ring and the door open but i was not expecting to hear officer Parks and Minhoś voices. "Is Rosè here granny?" Minho asked. "Yes she is,may I ask why?" granny Cho."Mrs.Cho will you please sit down. What you're about to hear will be quite shocking" officer Park says while escorting grandma to the couch. "Minho, what's happening? What's wrong?" granny demanded while looking at Minho. "I'm sorry.. I really am but we think Rosè is the cause of Jennie's death" granny cho gasped "Minho I- h-h-how can you say that!" granny exclaimed. I had to get out off here. I really need to get out off here before they get and lock me in prison for the rest of my life. I heard footsteps coming upstairs and I automatically tried to act normal, tried to act like I wasn't eavesdropping their conversation. "Rosè can we come in" Minho knocked. "I- yeah" I stuttered. "Come in" I said while wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans. "I- how are you Rose? I know after what happened with Jennie I haven't been with you much and I know you need someone to rely on" Minho confessed. "No, I-I'm okay" I said to him. And as I was talking to him I noticed officer Park look around my room."Looking for something"I turned and looked at him."Oh no" officer Park uttered. "Well if y'all only came to say that then I'm leaving for a walk" "Rosè wait"Minho said while grabbing my arm and as he did that I noticed he had his gun in his holster. "Yes?" I turned and looked at my brother. I didn't even heard the word he said until he stated some interesting words." did it, you killed Jennie" Minho said while walking towards me hands getting the handcuffs on his duty belt. "I'm sorry Rosè but you are under arrest until proven not guilty" "No! No please no" I pleaded. "Rosè please, don't make this hard"minho pleaded. "No" as I said that both Minho and officer Park were closing in on me, I had to do something, I can't go to jail.I had no choice and did something that I'll regret for the rest of my life. I got Minho's gun and shot straight at his chest. "I'M SORRY Minho" I wailed. "I had no other choice, I love you" I cried. While officer park was occupied with Minho's body I ran and on my way downstairs i encountered Granny Cho "Rosè I heard a gunshot, w-w-what happened, why do you have a gun?" Granny Cho exclaimed but I just ignored her and pushed her out of the way. I have to get out of here because if I didn't officer Park would arrest me and lock me in jail for as long as I live. As I was running I noticed that I had runned to the forest where Jennie had died. I fell to my knees in desperation, I'm exhausted and I have nowhere to go,as I was thinking I noticed that I still had the firearm that I killed Minho with, and a really great idea popped into my mind. It was the only way out, it's for the better. I grabbed the gun with my shaky hands, put it against my head and pulled the trigger.
"We are gathered here today for the loss of our dear friends, cousins, partners, companions, grandchildren ......."

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