The effect you have on me (part 2)

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Thankfully it was Saturday, Harry's day off because he was hung over and in pain and just grumpy in general. Everything hurt, his head, his throat, stomach. His rear end. His neck ached and though he hadn't gotten out of bed, he could felt the soreness of the bruises that were there when he lightly pressed down with his fingers.

But what hurt the most was Harry was upset with himself. He had sex, for the first time, with someone he had just met, home from the bar and he had expected them to be there in the morning? And he thought he could handle that? He had been there the nights Niall needed picking up from a girl's flat before morning came. But now he was seeing it from the girl's perspective and he found he didn't like it very much.

The worst part was he didn't even have Louis' phone number. He was supposed to get it for Daisy and Phoebe's files and he hadn't, but if he hadn't he wouldn't take it without Louis personally giving it to him either. There was only so desperate Harry was willing to be.

Moments from the previous night were floating back into Harry's brain as he lay there miserable, and he grew more and more ashamed. Maybe he had done something wrong? Maybe Louis didn't like needy, so innocent as him. Maybe it had been clear he had never really been sexual with anyone before. The only comfort he could find from the situation was maybe Louis had been drunker than him, and wouldn't remember so much.

If this is what people did, he didn't like it one bit. He was starting to realize that he definitely wasn't someone who liked one-night stands. He didn't even like the idea of short term relationships. Why spend your energy on someone if you weren't going to be with them the rest of your life?

Maybe he could just pretend it didn't happen? It would be easy - it was hard just believing Louis was a real person, he was too beautiful, let alone someone who would waste moments of his life with nerdy, no experience, completely opposite of him Harry.

He didn't roll out of bed for a while, falling in and out of sleep. Hunger came, but it was overpowered by nausea. He didn't plan on getting out of bed at all, until Niall knocked on the door. When he didn't answer, Niall just used the key Harry had given him when he had first moved in. He definitely needed to start charging him rent.

"What is wrong with you?" Niall asked as soon as he was through the door way. He was looking fine, not hung over at all, and he was carrying a few shopping bags that he plopped down on the counter by his refrigerator. "You didn't drink much, mate? Only two drinks?"

"Three," Harry mumbled against his pillow. He pulled the blankets up to cover him more, faintly smelling the cologne Louis had been wearing. That was going to make it harder to play pretend. "Louis had gotten me some drink he liked."

"Oh hell. He got you to drink the Tommo?" Niall laughed, clutching his stomach and all. "How did you even make it home last night?"

Harry only narrowed his eyes, not wanting to talk about it anymore, but he wasn't going to tell Niall that because Niall would ask why. Harry was too embarrassed.

"He has a drink named after him?" He went with instead.

"Yeah," Niall responded, digging through the bags. He saw pain medicine - he needed some of that, soda and crisps from the first bag. "Came up with it one night, thought it was a bizarre mix. He can drink three of them without them even affecting him. Only one who can, it's fucking brilliant, really."

Harry didn't really think it was brilliant because that meant Louis hadn't been drunk because he had only had one cup and Harry wanted to die, to be honest.

Niall brought a cup of water and a handful of pain reliever to Harry's bedside and sat next to him. Harry momentarily forgot about the marks that littered his body as he sat up to take the drink of him.

Niall raised his brows, eyes raking his body. "Well, I hadn't been worried about you getting home because I hadn't thought you drank much. But I see I wouldn't have worried about you anyway. Tommo took good care of you, I see."

His voice was amused and not judgmental at all but Harry flopped onto his pillows, shame creeping up him faster than he was ready for. His body trembled and emotion washed over him, making him cry and feel even more ridiculous than he already had. It could have been because he was hung over and worn out feeling. But really it was because Harry was too emotional for these kinds of things and he really, really hated being left.

"Oh, Harry," Niall said softly, rubbing his back.

"You are an arse, you know," Harry muttered, coming up from the pillow for a breath of air making his voice come out choked. He shoved Niall off the mattress so he fell the two inches to the floor.

"What did I do?"

"You use girls for sex and leave them in the morning," he mumbled, returning to his pillow.

He felt Niall sit back on the bed and a body curl around his. "Harry...," his voice was serious, a rarity for Niall Horan. "It's not something's normal. I should have warned you before we went. You're're you, you know?"

Harry resented that, but didn't respond. Niall was moving his fingers through his hair and it felt good on his headache and he wanted to be mad at Niall, but there was no point. Niall hadn't forced him to sleep with anyone. It was his own stupidity, his own want to be normal, do 'normal' things.

When Niall spoke again, his voice was full of amusement.

"Mate, why are you wearing that flower crown?"

Louis didn't come back to the summer camp that week, and Harry shouldn't have expected him to. Picking up the twins had been a onetime thing.

The flowered objects that were made for him became a sore reminder of the night Harry had spent with Louis. But he took them with a smile.

Niall had gone out the Saturday night after, the same bar where Louis was performing again. If they had seen each other, Niall hadn't mentioned it. If Louis really was concerned about not leaving as a one night stand, he would have sought Niall out. Harry should have known better really, than to expect more from the situation he had gotten himself into.

"Harry, you need a juicebox," Daisy said, tugging on the shirt he wore. They had a trip to the beach today and if Harry couldn't cover up the fading marks on his neck, he'd at least cover up the ones on his torso. They really needed to fade faster, if you asked him. It made no sense that they were still here, a week later. He bent down to her height. She was holding a box of apple juice.

"I am okay, you drink it."

She rolled her eyes. "Mummy always gives me juice when I get boo-boos." Her tiny hand reached out and brushed against Harry's neck. "My favorite so they make me feel better. But I don't cry, only Phoebe does that."

He took the juice box from her. "Thank you so much, Dais."

She smiled proudly. "Phoebe bet me she can hold her breath under water the longest so I have to go beat her."

"Be safe!" Harry called after her and she ran off, sand flying behind her as she did so.

Camp counselors littered the edge of the water, not allowing anyone to move too far out, and the rest were in the sand with those who would not be swimming. Harry rotated back and forth, between Michael in the sand and Niall by the water.

"Mate, you're supposed to be keeping an eye out on the kids not giving them death threat looks," Michael commented, wiping off the sand that stuck to his swimming trunks as he stood up.

"What?" Harry asked. Michael was alright, always making jokes that were pretty funny but sometimes rude and he didn't know how to ever take them. He had been making jokes about Harry's obvious grumpiness all week and it was a bit annoying. Niall would make up something to lighten the mood. "Ate all his crisps last night" or "caught him wanking in the bathroom".

Michael pushed his eyebrows together, frowned and glared at Harry before making a scene of stomping around the sand. "I am Harry Styles." He stomped a few more times before stopping abruptly. "That's what you look like."

Harry only stared blankly at him before walking to the water where Niall was.

"I'm frying out here," he groaned, taking the lotion Harry had brought with him. His skin was already starting to turn bright pink. "Damn Irish skin, I fucking swear." His words were whispered so none of the kids would hear him. Harry only laughed in response. Maybe that would make him look less grumpy.

He handed back the bottle of lotion so Harry could get his back. "Can't drink too much tonight," he joked. "Alcohol plus sunburn equals death. I'm going to need you to keep an eye on me."

"That will be hard seeing as I plan on starting Supernatural tonight," Harry responded. He was quite excited about it actually. Had been wanting to for months now.

Niall flipped around before Harry could finish rubbing in the lotion. "No, you're coming out with me." He poked Harry hard in the chest. "You've been a right miserable sod all week and we are going to cheer you up. You are going to get drunk and I won't be letting you go home with anyone and you will see that there is no reason to be upset. You are going to see what a good time. No point in arguing with me." He walked off, sunscreen still coated onto his back, before Harry could even open his mouth and argue.

That's how Harry ended up back at the bar, Niall by his side ordering something for them that was not the Tommo, something hopefully with very little alcohol in it. Harry didn't want to get drunk necessarily, but he did want Niall to see him have a good time if that meant Niall would get off his back. Harry didn't let things go easily and Niall should be the first one to know that.

Zayn and Liam had gone off for the weekend, so Zayn and Louis were not performing. Harry didn't even see Louis, and he was glad. He was hoping Louis wouldn't be there at all. Niall had insisted they go to the same bar, ignoring Harry's protests. Something about how being around the person that had upset you while having a good time would make him feel better. He highly doubted that.

"Mate, seriously, relax. Let me introduce you to someone."

Niall was trying to distract him because Niall was the best friend a guy could have. But Harry wanted to just leave, curl up on his bed and stream Supernatural from shady website and have his biggest worry be getting a computer virus, not running into Louis.

He needed to stop thinking about that boy.

Niall pulled him through the crowd, a bit smaller this time then it had been the week before. He moved swiftly like he knew where he was going. Which he did because in no time he was sliding up to the blond girl he had been dancing with last weekend. He pulled on her shoulder, pressing his lips to her ear so she turned to Harry.

"This is Lily. Father owns the club," Niall explained, leaning back towards him.

Harry took Lily's hand into his own and nodded, hoping she would understand the 'nice to meet you' she wouldn't hear if he had said it out loud. The music tonight wasn't as good as the band last weekend, but it was quite loud.

Lily's group consisted of a few people Harry didn't know. Their names weren't exchanged but they had accepted him in easily. Harry noticed how hands-y Niall was with the girl that he had never really mentioned before. He found himself wondering if Niall had ever snuck out after sleeping with her. He had said it was normal.

Harry tried dancing around with the group, interacting. But he didn't want to be there. Alcohol burned his throat and he thought about being hung over and how he had hated, but drank anyway. That's what people did too, but it was starting to seem like what was normal was not smart, at all.

"I never see you here," one of Lily's friends said into his ear. He was tall, looked a bit older than all of them as well. Harry turned to him, realizing he had zoned out, eyes planted on the back of some random person's head. He was swaying slightly with the music.

"Niall's a bad influence."

The man laughed though it really wasn't that funny. "That he is. I don't understand how he still has a liver, if I'm being honest with you. Gets proper wasted every weekend."

Harry caught himself wondering if this man knew Louis if he was here every weekend with Niall, but he didn't ask. He wasn't supposed to be thinking about Louis. He took another sip of alcohol.

Their conversation, or at least their attempt at one, dwindled to nothing and Harry danced with the older man a bit. Not touching each other too much, he didn't want to give the man the idea that he wanted to be a one night stand thing. He wasn't sure how one did or did not do that, so he could only hope that Niall would be there to save him if the man got too hands-y. This was the third man Harry had danced with in a week. Who was he even? Harry kept true to his word, keeping Niall from drinking too much by drinking whatever Niall had in his hands. He was proper drunk in no time, resulting in him losing Niall and the group he had been with. He stood at the bar, his back to it, staring blankly at the crowd. Everything was mushing together and he probably wouldn't have been able to find Niall if the Irish lad was standing right in front of him.

"Lost Curly?" A familiar voice mumbled in his ear. A hand slid around his waist, turning him. The familiar cologne filled his senses and he was surprised he remembered it. The scent faded from his pillows days ago.

Louis was looking up at him through his fringe, which was pushed down in his eyes slightly by a black beanie. There was a smirk playing at his lips, his finger pressing into Harry's side. Harry was going to throw up.

"You're not supposed to be here," he blurted. Maybe he was actually stupid, thinking Louis wouldn't be at the bar a week after Harry had last seen him there.

"You come one time and now you own the place? I'm afraid that's now how it works here, babe."

Was he acting like everything was fine? Harry wished he was sober for this or maybe he didn't, because he would have definitely thrown up by now. He wasn't even sure what to say. His tongue had grown thick and Louis hadn't let him go yet.

It wasn't normal, someone having this big effect on someone else so quickly. It wasn't until now Harry realized how much he wanted to feel the touch of Louis' fingers on his skin again. The only thing that explained the effect Louis had on Harry was that he wasn't real, he couldn't be. Not being that beautiful.

"Are you here with Grimshaw?" He asked, reaching up and running the pad of his thumb over the faded bruise like Daisy had earlier. Harry had no idea who that was and he didn't care because Louis' skin was warm against his.


Harry had no idea why he said it. There really was no reason, but after he said it he wanted to stick with it because Louis frowned slightly. And as much as he liked the way Louis' eyes crinkled when his lips formed into a smile, the frown represented what Harry had been feeling the past week.

The frown disappeared quickly though, as if it had never happened, and Louis was taking Harry's drink and sipping from it. He turned his nose up in disgust and gave it back to Harry.

"The Tommo is always the best choice." He smirked at this as if this was clever, pinching the bruise he had just touched before letting Harry go and pushing off in the crowd. Harry watched him disappear, all of the angry words he wanted to say flying back into his head. Louis distracted him, coming into his brain and messing everything up. This was not good.

Harry pushed himself through the crowd, going a different direction than Louis. He just stumbled through, bodies around him bumping against him until he eventually found Niall thanks to the height of the man that Harry had been dancing with.

"Mate," Niall called, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and going for the drink Harry had just gotten himself. Niall was coated in sweat, it sticking to his shirt and darkening the rim of his snapback.

Harry shrugged him off, making a point to drink from the cup with Niall watching. He wasn't going to mention Louis. It would only make Niall feel bad.

"Well, than I guess that means we are leaving," Niall sighed, frowning at Harry. "If I can't drink, I don't want you to drink anymore either. You are terrible hung over."

Harry only shrugged, finishing his drink. The burn distracted him from wanting to go and find Louis.

"I sense that. A moody one," the tall man commented, laughing again. Seriously, this guy laughed more than Niall.

Niall pressed a wet, open mouthed kiss on Lily's cheek.

"It was nice meeting you Harry!" she called, giggling and pushing Niall off. He pressed one more kiss to her cheek before taking Harry by the hand and leaving. Niall could easily be going home with Lily, sleeping with her and leaving her in the morning. But he was going home with Harry and Harry wanted to kiss him.

"You could have gone home with her," Harry commented once they were outside of the club. The air was cool, and he was sweatier than he had realized. He had barely moved in there.

"A promise is a promise, mate," Niall responded. "You are too drunk to go home on your own."

"No m'not," Harry shot back. Maybe he was, he wasn't sure. He slid an arm around Niall more to support himself. "Have you ever left her before the morning?"

"Yes, Harry. I have." He slid an arm around Harry's waist. "I would never leave you, though."

"I've noticed," Harry droned.

"I don't like your tone." Niall turned his head at him, but he was laughing. "You would be lost without me, mate."

"Right now, yes. I can't seem to remember where I live." It was the truth, Harry had no idea where he was. Everything was blurring together. Niall only laughed again and guided him.

They walked the rest of the way in silence, the area around them quiet once they got off the main road to downtown. Harry listened to the sounds of the footsteps on the pavement because that was a better distraction than anything else.

They took the elevator. Niall's idea since according to him Harry was going to fall on his ass. But Harry felt fine, really. Everything was just spinning a bit, he was just a little drunk.

"Did you have fun?" Niall asked, throwing himself across the futon the minute they entered his flat, not bothering to take off his jeans or his shoes or even the snapback he wore.

"Yes," Harry muttered, not sure the truth behind it as he stripped down to his briefs. The tile of his kitchen floor felt good on his feet. It was cool and he was burning hot. The warmth of his bed, for once, wasn't comforting.

Lying there, it felt like it was his body that was spinning. Why did people like being drunk? It wasn't doing much to distract him from what he didn't want to think about, but it did keep him from feeling about it. He could hear the heavy breaths of Niall and started to wish he could fall asleep that easy. That was one thing he didn't like about having Niall sleep over, he snored really loud. Especially when he had alcohol in him. And though he hadn't been drunk, a little alcohol was enough to do it.


Harry groaned in his haze. He really needed to stop Louis from coming into his head. Even alcohol couldn't wash away the feeling of the boy on him, or the scent of cologne or the feel of the soft skin on his fingertips when he had touched Harry's face.

Harry nearly bolted from where he was laying, his eyes flying open. He hadn't been imagining the feeling of Louis' fingertips on his face or the scent of his cologne because he was sitting right fucking there on his bed. Louis fucking Tomlinson.

"What?" was what Harry managed, his voice strangled.

Louis was grinning, a finger pressed to his lips as he nudged his head in Niall's direction. Louis' skin was flushed and he had his beanie in his hands, his hair a ruffled mess on the top of his head.

"Did you break into my house?" Harry hissed finally, the ability to form words coming back to him.

"Mate, it's not breaking in if you leave your door open," he responded simply. Who was this guy? "But don't worry, I locked it. Don't want anyone breaking in and taking advantage of you during your intoxicated state."

Harry was resting his back against the wall about a foot away from Louis. The longer Louis sat there, the more Harry caught himself thinking about how much he liked the way Louis looked in his room. "Why are you here?" he whispered, remembering himself.

"Came to see you." Louis leaned over and pulled on one of his curls. "I've been thinking about you all week."

Harry wasn't sure if he believed this. "You know where I've been." He sunk back into his laying position, hoping if he went to sleep maybe Louis would leave. He didn't want him to either. He was conflicted.

Instead, Louis took this opportunity to get closer and lean over him so their chests were almost touching. "I can't walk into my little sisters' summer camp and take you on the table, now can I?"

The words shot straight to Harry's cock and he hated himself for it. Louis was just so close, in touching distance. Close enough that he could possibly hear the sound of his heartbeat, pumping hard in his chest. Exactly what Harry had been thinking about all week, it was happening. And he liked the feel of his cotton sheets mixed with the scent of Louis.

"Well, no. I could get fired."

Louis' eyes lit up with laughter. "Doesn't seem like that would be too bad."

"I like my job," Harry said more defensively than he meant to. "I'm no guitar playing punk band rock star but I still like it."

"I'm not a guitary playing punk band rock star tonight. Just the Tommo."

"The Tommo is always the best choice."

Louis stared at him for a minute and Harry was feeling breathless. Why was Louis here? Why was everything seeming so normal? This wasn't normal. Maybe for other people - though he highly doubted that. Niall never talked about sneaking into a girl's room when she was drunk and half asleep. But this definately never happened to Harry.

"Thought maybe you forgot about me since you were with Grimshaw tonight, Curly." He trailed his fingers into Harry's hair, pulling slightly. Harry felt his mouth slack slightly, like losing control of himself under Louis' touch. Why was he like this? So malleable under Louis' touch.

"I didn't," Harry whispered. It was the truth.

Louis smiled, his eyes crinkling slightly. Harry no longer understood why he had wanted him to frown instead of smile like that. "Are you sure?" Harry nodded as Louis moved his face a few centimeters closer. He could feel the warm breath on his lips, and his tongue darted out lick them. "I guess we will just have to see."

Louis' mouth fell onto Harry's and he couldn't remember why he hadn't wanted this. Louis threw a leg over him so he was straddling him again, and he could feel him pressing them together through the fabric of his blanket. Harry was already hard underneath, and the way Louis' hips grinded down against his caused him to let out a soft, breathy moan.

Louis replaced his mouth on Harry's with his hand, pressing lightly against his lips. His own mouth moved to Harry's ear and he whispered, "I'm going to need you to be quiet for me, okay babe?" before he pulled the earlobe into his mouth.

Louis clicked his teeth in disapproval as Harry made noise anyway and pressed his hips harder against Harry's in retaliation. Harry bit his lip. If Louis wanted him to be quiet he was going to have to stop doing what he was doing.

"Let me touch you, Lou," Harry breathed, moving his mouth from under Louis' hand. Maybe this was the last time Louis would waste energy on Harry. He could handle it this time, maybe. Or at least he could just have Louis with him one more time. He was going to take advantage of it.

Louis nodded, his eyes darkening as he sat up and pulled off the jumper he was wearing. He stood, kicking off his pants without moving too far from him. His movements were slow as he dug into the nightstand where Harry kept his lube, careful not to wake up Niall who was snoring loud and proud. Normal circumstances would have Harry mortified that Niall was so close, but Louis was straddling him, moving his hips in slow circles against him and it was a bit more than distracting.

Harry's hands moved up his body, touching as much skin as he could, his back, chest, arms, thighs. He wanted to memorize the skin there, the black lines inked into his skin. He didn't know what it was about this boy who he had barely held a good conversation with. Harry was never just about looks but this boy was beautiful. If his movements were too fast there was two of him and Harry didn't mind at all.

Louis pulled the blanket that was separating them over the two boys instead, covering them in complete darkness so he couldn't be seen. Harry used his hands, gripping and pulling at skin instead. His nails dug into flesh and Louis let out a shaky moan. Harry did that, made him make that noise.

Harry was overwhelmed that Louis had returned to him, overwhelmed by the feeling of him pressing his fingers inside of him again. His skin a shock of pleasure every time it pressed against Harry's. He had reached for Louis', wanting to keeping touching him, but the feeling of his fingers had him grabbing into the sheets.

"Be quiet," Louis growled after a sharp moan from Harry as he pushed in a third finger. Louis slid his other hand against Harry's mouth, pushing his fingers past his lips. Harry sucked on them to keep himself from moaning and he felt teeth against the soft flesh of his inner thigh. "Good boy." It was so quiet Harry wasn't sure if he had actually said it.

Quickly, Louis removed both of his hands from Harry and he groaned at the empty feeling. Harry's cock was hard and heavy on his stomach and he felt Louis lick a stripe from base to tip.

His arm hooked around Harry's waist and he felt himself being moved and flipped so Louis was now beneath him, the blanket flying off. Louis' hair was ruffled even more, stuck to his forehead with sweat. A flush had crept up his cheeks and he was truly beautiful. Harry didn't think he would ever stop thinking that.

"Show me," Louis murmured, his voice deep with arousal. It stirred something low in Harry and he grinded his hard cock down against Louis. He needed something, anything and he needed it soon.

"What?" Harry gasped. Show him what? How shit he was at this kind of thing?

"That you didn't forget me." Louis was pulling at his thighs, spreading them they fell on either side of his hips. Of course Harry hadn't forgot him. He wished he had, but it was quite the opposite. Louis was all he had been thinking about.

"I didn't," Harry breathed.

The blanket wasn't so much covering the both of them as just Louis' leg's now, and Harry felt exposed with Niall so close. It was more thrilling than he thought it would be. But it was nothing to the excitement of being exposed like this to Louis.

Louis' hips lifted up so his cock pressed against Harry's back, telling him just what he wanted. Harry just nearly threw his head back from that alone. He had never done this before, any of it really but he couldn't seem to care with Louis against him.

Harry took the base of Louis' cock into his hand, angling it beneath his hole. His body shuddered just at the press of the tip against him. Sinking down slow, letting himself stretch out around Louis, he let out a low moan. Louis sat up slightly so their chests pressed together and Harry's heavy cock was trapped in between their stomachs. Louis wrapped a hand around Harry's mouth and the other around his lower back, controlling his movements.

Louis bit into his shoulder as Harry started to move, fucking himself on Louis' cock. It was too good. Louis was everything around him, everything he could feel, smell. He could feel Louis' heavy breaths and murmurs against his shoulders. It seemed like Louis was the one that couldn't stay quiet and that pleased Harry.

"You missed this?" Louis moved his hips up, hitting deep into Harry.

He couldn't speak with Louis' hand over his mouth so he nodded, eyes clenched shut. His cock started to slip through the precome spreading on their stomachs and it was maddening. His body started to tremble in Louis' arms, much too soon, as the tightening in his abdomen signaled his climax. That would have been embarrassing in normal, sober circumstances.

"Not yet," Louis ordered, using his arm to still Harry until the feeling faded. Harry whined and writhed under him, unable to stop himself. Niall let out a huff of breath and he felt Louis tense underneath him. A second went by without anything else from Niall and Louis was bucking his hips up faster than he had before causing Harry to moan loudly into his hand. Louis' nails dug into his cheek.

Harry rested his hands on Louis' chest, digging his nails into the tattoo lines, using him as a support as he moved his body up the length of Louis' cock. Louis leaned back slightly, pulling his stomach from where it rubbed against Harry's cock so there was no friction any longer. He rested his other hand lightly on Harry's thigh, and Harry let out a frustrated sigh. They were still close, Louis still sitting up with, but there was now a cool air between their torsos.

"Ah, you feel good," Louis moaned against his chest, resting his head there as if he didn't like the space between them either. "Beautiful. Look like you were made for this." His teeth scraped against Harry's chest. "You just love this, don't you."

"Yes," Harry moaned before he could stop himself, muffled under the rough skin of Louis' palm.

This must have been what Louis wanted to hear for his grip tightened on Harry and he was coming, hot inside Harry. He pulled their bodies together and the sudden friction on Harry's cock and the tremble of the 'shits' and 'fucks' he was spitting out were enough for Harry. He groaned out Louis' name, shooting up between the two of their bodies.

Louis held them together, hand still limply over Harry's mouth as their bodies trembled and their breathing evened. Louis' body was warm pressed up against his, but he didn't mind the warmth anymore.

The word 'beautiful' slipped around his thoughts as he watched Louis pull out of him, lips swollen from biting them. He pressed his lightly to them.

Harry was like a rag doll, moving limply with Louis' arms as he put him on the bed and crawled out of it. Harry went to reach for him but Louis was padding over to the hamper that held Harry's clothes. He dug out a towel and padded back over, Harry watching him as his butt rounded with every step. He could see the precome glistening off his torso like his own personal mark on the boy.

"You're going to leave again," Harry stated, his voice hoarse and quiet. Louis rubbed Harry off with the towel, making no indication that he heard. He leaned over, pushing the sweaty curls form his forehead and pressed his lips to Harry's. It was a slow, he could feel each drag of Louis' lips against his own. They weren't touching really, but Harry felt the closest to Louis at that moment.

"Niall would be proper angry if he woke up to us well-fucked." Louis had only pulled away slightly, smirking against Harry's lips. He doubted Niall would be angry at all, but he didn't say so. The moment was gone. Louis wiped his cock off and threw the towel the floor. He shoved Harry further into the bed and rested beside him. Louis' chest to his back, arm curled around his waist. His fingers trailed along his hip bone. "But I will wait until you fall asleep."

When Harry woke, he decided that he was very, very wrong. This wasn't normal, this didn't make any sense. And Harry couldn't handle it.

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