The effect you have on me (part 3)

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This was not something Harry did. Well, he had done a lot of things the past few weeks that he did not normally do. But this made him uncomfortable.

Harry was in the bathroom, taking in his appearance. Niall had chosen everything he wore and he looked good. Really good, much better than he had ever looked before. Almost hot, he would think if he wasn't so modest. And Niall was supposedly the straight one.

Michael was outside, in the kitchen with Niall. He could hear them speaking, and his heart was hammering in his chest. Niall had texted Michael earlier that day, inviting him out with them. Which would have been okay, if Niall hadn't invited him by saying "Harry really wants you to go to the bar with him tonight, but he sucks too much to ask you himself."

Which was untrue. Harry did not want to go out with Michael. Niall had suggested maybe it would be a good idea to make the Tommo jealous. Harry didn't think he would be jealous, but a part of him wanted him to be - or at least, wanted to see if he would be. That would mean something, right?

He took a deep breath before leaving the bathroom.

"Let's go?" he said, before he could change his mind.

It was not that Harry didn't like Michael, he was a bit annoying but whatever. It was just that, he wanted it to be Louis holding him by the waist, moving their hips together. He wanted it to be Louis' lips tracing along his neck, breathy from dancing. Michael's body didn't feel right against his.

And Harry was a shit liar and attempting to make Louis jealous would not work because he knew as soon as he spotted Louis, everything would scream 'you, you, you' even though he hated himself for it. He shouldn't want Louis.

At that reminder, he slid an arm around Michael's neck and pressed their chests together. Michael looked up at him with a smile, grinding their hips a bit harder together that Harry's mouth fell open slightly. Michael took that as an invite, pressing his lips to Harry's. His lips were too forceful, moving too fast against Harry's. It fit the fast pace of the moment, but he didn't like it. He was almost thankful for when Michael's lips moved down his neck, nipping over the marks already there.

"Um, excuse me?"

Harry pulled away with a gasp, looking to his left. Louis stood there, tight lipped with his arms across his chest.

"Yes?" Michael responded, annoyance tinting his voice as he too looked at Louis.

Louis' brows quirked up, his eyes almost amused but dark at the same time. "Well, rude, I'm going to have to ask you to find another curly-headed giant to dance with."

"Excuse me?" Michael asked, stepping away from Harry for a second.

"No, by all means you're excused," Louis responded, gesturing for Michael to go by him.

Michael looked to Harry. "Do you know this wanker?"

Harry felt his face flush as both boys looked expectantly at him. "Um, a bit, yeah."

Louis snorted so loud it could be fully heard over the music. "A bit? There was more than a bit of my cock in your arse last night."

Harry was going to throw up, for real this time. Michael's eyes widened and he took a step back, laughing slightly. Louis wasn't amused as he pushed himself between them, placing a hand on Michael's chest to move him away.

"No seriously, go."

Michael held up his hands slightly. "Whatever, man. See you Monday, Harry."

Harry looked down at Louis, glaring. "You can't just do that," he exclaimed.

Louis' gave him an innocent frown. "Yes, I can." He swiped a thumb over one of the marks he had made the previous night.

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