[Chapter 7:] The Inevitable

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---- Toriel POV ----

We reached Undyne's and Alphys' house faster than expected. Slowly, I pulled up to the curb of the sidewalk before parking my car. Frisk had already gotten out and slammed their door when I stepped outside. They seemed to be excited.

     "Are you ready my dear?" I walked over to their side of the car and took their hand. They nodded enthusiastically.

     "Yep, very!"

I walked Frisk up to the door and pressed the doorbell. A short ring echoed through the house, a bit louder than the Japanese music. Soon enough, the door clicked open and Undyne stood there giving me a toothy grin.

     "TORIEL! ITS NICE TO SEE YA!" She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hard squeeze. It took me a second to realize that it was suppose to be a hug.

      "It is nice to see you too... but... I cannot breathe!" I managed to gasp out.

     "WHOOPS! Sorry about that!" After she let me go and while I caught my breath, Frisk ran up and hugged Undyne.

     "Hey punk!" She ruffled the child's head playfully. Frisk laughed.

     "Are we going to watch some anime?" Undyne's eyes lit up as they asked. She narrowed her eyes and grinned wider.

     "HELL YEAH!"

I gave Undyne a cold stare. She should know better than to swear in front of a child. Suddenly realizing it, her expression dropped and she glanced apologetically at me.

     "Uh.. sorry Toriel I mean 'heck'. I just LOVE ANIME SO MUCH!"

I grinned at her. Much better.

     "So Frisk, I shall see you in a few hours?" I bent down so I was at their eye level. To my surprise Frisk took my face in their little hands and kissed my muzzle. I giggled as they grinned.

"Yes mom. Bye!"

I stood straight up as they went inside with Undyne. She closed the door and my smile faded slightly. I know what I must do now. How I wish I didn't pick up the phone.. but talking to Asgore was inevitable anyways I guess.

I walked to my car and slumped down inside. As I turned it on, I could hear the music coming from the house getting quieter. They must be getting ready to watch anime. As I drove away, I checked the time. It was 12;45 pm. I still have fifteen minutes. I turned on the radio for a bit, but the only thing that was on was this weird human music. There was this one song about 'a girl burning on fire' that reminded me oh too well of almost killing Frisk all of those months back. I turned it off after that and drove in silence, alone with my thoughts. Ok.. Ok.. this won't be that hard.. I reassured myself. Just.. tell him how you feel, and you'll be fine. But I wouldn't believe myself. What if I failed in telling him off?

F: Wellll if all else fails you still have Sansy~!
R: Yeah right. If you screw this up and Sans doesn't like you you'll be forever alone.
F: But you will have Frisk!
R: What about when they move out..?
F: ...

I shook my head. Maybe I should try the radio again. This time a more soothing song was on. It sounded like it was about a love story, strikingly similar to the ordeal I was going through. It is strange how that happens.

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