7 | e x e c u t i o n

15 1 0

whHey there! One year anniversary of Secrets, WOW! That picture is Scarlett, exhausted after competing with the undefeatable Abigail. :)



October 17
P&E Barn

The month following our plan, we went over all scenarios, depending on what measures they had in place to keep us out. We collected materials, made smoke bombs, darkness powder, updated our Eyes, and anything else that could help us. Our spare time was spent at the P&E Barn, training.

"You're getting better," I noted breathlessly as I dove headfirst off of a platform in the Barn.

"You too." Scarlett swung from rope to rope, dropping and doing a low, sweeping kick. I leapt over her and ran up towards the bouldering wall, flinging myself up and onto it, climbing up. Scarlett slid under one hay bale and jumped over another two. I grabbed onto one of the rafters and pulled myself up.

"One fifty-two. Bite me Frigidelph." I laughed victoriously. Scarlett climbed up to the platform I was on, and finished the rest of the course, stopping her watch on the rafter beside me.

"One fifty-four. Shite! So close." She cursed. "Next time, Douglas." She promised, laughing and leaning over to another rafter, dangling precariously, grabbing her water bottle. I did the same, leaning over to the rafter where we started and getting my drink of water.

We heard someone walk into the first entrance of the barn, and glanced at each other, having equal thoughts.

"Abigail Override, close all Barn shutters," I said to Elizabeth. A moment later, the Barn was completely dark. We both enabled our darkness vision, and on the count of three, jumped down from the rafters on either side of the person and swiftly opened the shutters, blinding the girl.

"I hate you two." Gabrielle rolled her eyes once she could see again.

"Awe thanks! You too Elle!" I gave the girl a hug while laughing madly.

"Ugh, get off! You're both coated in sweat!" She shoved the two of us away. "Go take a shower." Scarlett and I laughed, walking away. "Oh, and two days. We're doing it on Friday." Gabrielle added seriously. I nodded at her, my laughter gone.

"Thanks, Elle." Scarlett nodded as well, before we walked back towards the Mary Wing, to shower and change.

"Are you ready?" I asked her. "I've got a week's set of uniform tops and jeans, compress packed, and all other needs. And, of course, all of the things for the plan."

"Yeah, I've just got to get my clothes compressed. Do you have one in your room?" Scarlett said, after a moment of thought.

"Yeah, you can use mine!" I smiled. "Mine's updated too," I added.

"Wicked." She grinned.


October 19

"Red Leader to Wine," I called into my comms. With my experience in P&E and quick plan changes, I was nominated to take the lead in the task.

"This is Wine," Rose called back from her point on the West.

"Is the West ready?"

"Ready. On your signal." She reported.

"Red Leader to Thorn. Is the South side ready?"

"This is Thorn. Ready on your signal." Gabrielle repeated.

"Red Leader to Seafoam, is the North side ready?"

"This is Seafoam." Koralia acknowledged. "Ready on your signal."

"Red Leader to Ice, on your go." I contacted the team that would enter last, who was in charge of taking down their power.

"This is Ice. You're clear in three...two...one." Scarlett reported. "All systems are down."

"Move in." I signalled my group, and we all began to scale the wall.

Meeting the West group at the top, we met the North and South teams above their Grand Hall, where they were sitting, eating their dinner. I nodded to Gabrielle, Rose, and Koralia, fixing my black EGAES sweater. We all wore the black sweater with our school's crest, and black jeans. I chose to wear black combat boots, and some wore all black sneakers, others wore boots or other black shoes. Fixing my black backpack, I bent down to the skylights, slowly opening one. The others followed, opening a few of the others. I lightly hopped down onto the rafters, and walked across, blending in with the shadows of the ceiling. I watched as slowly, there were dozens of girls hidden in the shadows of the ceiling, the people below eating as if nothing was happening. I looked down, seeing familiar faces of Maxwell, Tiberiu, Malcolm, Zamir, and many others. I saw some girls, from The AA, and thought I saw two familiar flashes of brown and white hair, but waved it off as other boys from The AA or EBSHI.

Looking around closer, I noticed that the staff had made some attempts to keep us out, bars in the windows, the doors seemed like they could be barricaded in a moment. I also saw a glare between us and the people below. Making a note with my AlexandrEye, I sent my realisation to the other girls. They all nodded, seeing it.

"Red to Ice, there's a wall between us and them. We need it down." I whispered into my comms.

"Elizabeth's already on it," Scarlett reported. As she said that, I could see the barrier ebbing away. I turned to the other girls, smirking.

Three, two, one, I mouthed, reaching into a canister in my bag, and uncorking it. As the EGAES girls fell, so did the darkness powder, absorbing all of the light as it fell with us. I rolled on the table, absorbing my impact and as did other girls. We stood, watching the powder fade away, covering everyone with a black mist.

"Hello, boys," I smirked, staring down at Lukas, who was staring back at me, mouth open, eyes wide. "Did you miss us?"



Annnnnd cut.

I'm SUPER excited for the second school swap of the series. This time, everyone's at EBSHI. Ooohhhhhh. Fasinating. I cannot express my enthusiasim for what I have planned for this book, and we're not even at ten chapters yet, but we've hit ONE YEAR OF SECRETS WOOHOOOOOOO!

All the love for everyone who has read this and voted, or commented, or said "Hey you should read this cool book" to someone else, you guys give this book life.


Maya Jane

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