Part 22

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We woke up the next morning to banging on the door. Someone was yelling my name.

Nick got up "Stay here" It was Taylor, how did he know that I was here

"What the hell man? I'm trying to sleep" Nick said as he opened the door

"She is here. I know she is. That slut, WE'RE NOT EVEN DIVORCED"

I got up and put on some clothes that I brought. I hope there was nothing of mine in the other room.

"Who? Selena?"

"No shit, who else?"

"She isnt here. The last time I saw her was at her birthday party at her parents house. We don't even work together anymore"

"YOU'RE LYING. How does it feel to fuck another man's wife"

"I don't know because I don't do that. You need to leave though. I'll call security if I have to"

"Not until I see her. We need to talk. SELENA, I forgive you for sleeping with him. Please come home"

"You need to go, there is no one here but me."

Taylor started to yell some things but Nick shut the door and called security and came into the room. I was staring at the floor. He is right, I'm cheating. That doesn't make me any better than him.

"Don't listen to him. He was drunk. I could smell it on him. Don't be sad because of what he said. He has no idea what he is talking about"

"I'm a cheater"

"Yeah, so what? He was too, I was cheated on and I have no problem with this. You don't love him anymore and he hurt you more than he loved you. Stop feeling guilty for being happy."

I shook my head. "No this needs to stop. I'm married. This complicates so much. This is over. It's not like it was going to last forever"

He groaned "Fine. If you want to be unhappy and continue to let him control your life then that's your decision and I can't stop you. There is only so much I can do to convince you and it obviously hasn't been enough."

He got up and walked into the bathroom. I heard the shower running. I packed up my stuff and left his key on the table with a note that said I'm sorry. I didn't want to leave but this couldn't last forever anyway. He was going to leave soon anyway. His work is done at my company.

I took a cab back to Miley's and Taylor was outside.

"Why were you with him Selena?"

"With who?"

"Please don't lie to me"

"I wasn't with anyone. Are you ever going to leave me alone like my nieces are here and they don't need to see some drunk man"

"Selena, I love you. I made a mistake. The boy isn't even mine. She was a drunken mistake like Nick was for you"

I shook my head "stop trying to lie to me, if you think that son is someone else then you are blind. Plus, I didn't sleep with Nick but if I did, I most certainly wouldn't be drunk." I shoved past him and locked the door behind me.

He sat there for a minute, took out his phone and walked away. Miley was on the couch "Hey, how was your night?" she winked

"It's over"


"It makes me a cheater. I am still married and it just makes just as bad as him. Plus it was going to end anyway, can't last forever."

Miley sighed "Did it make you happy, being with him?"

"I guess but it was only sex"

"Was it though?"

"I guess not. He seemed to care about me and made sure I was okay."



"Nothing, you okay that it's over?"

"I think so"

Nick's POV

I was angry that Taylor coming here made her leave. I wanted her to life her life the way she wanted to not the way she thinks she should. I fell for her. I've never felt this way toward anyone before and everyone knew it. My mom did, Demi came over last night to talk about it but it was over. She's going to continue to be unhappy because of that asshole.

She deserved so much more. I could give her everything she deserves. He is so stupid to let a girl like that go. Smart, beautiful, sexy and genuine. There aren't many girls like that in the world. I had one and I let her go.

I threw her note out. It didn't mean anything. There was a knock on the door.

"WHAT.?" I swung the door open "Oh" It was Demi. I let her in and sat on the couch

"Are you okay?"

She walked into the kitchen and saw the note in the trash "Oh, no what happened?"

"It's over"


"She feels guilty about cheating on her asshole of a husband even though she's getting a divorce. And she said it's not like this was going to last forever."

"You just let her go?"

"I've been talking her out of ending it since it started it. She isn't going to change her mind until she's divorced. By then, I'll be gone"

She sighed and sat with me "I know you really like her. Never seen you liket hat with anyone so i think you should try harder to make it work, you might be surprised"

"I don't know. Maybe this is how it's meant to be"

"You're supposed to be happy that's what's meant to be"

"How did I fall for her so quickly and she was able to leave so easily?"

"Her life is complicated but that doesn't mean she has no feelings for you. She has a lot of shit going on and is probably compressing most of it. Especially something new with a guy she's supposed to just have a fling with, nothing more.

I shrug my shoulders

"Give her some space and then go for it. You might be surprised. Don't let it get you down though. I love you but I need to go, talk to soon and text or call if you need anything else."

"Love you too, be safe"

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