Chapter One

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More like an intro, as will be the first two or three chapters. You can also find this story on AO3!

Ben had told Eli stories about Dad, and how he dealt with demons and other monsters all the time.

He also told her about how Dad had left before she was born, not knowing Mom was pregnant before he disappeared. Ben told her lots of things about Dad, using his life as bedtime stories to lull her to sleep when her nightmares kept her up.

But there were rules when talking about Dad.

First, no talking about Dad around Mom; she didn't remember him. Ben said Dad did it to keep them safe, and that he had gone along with it to keep Mom from being hurt.

Second, Ben didn't tell her about all the monsters Dad fought. He told her stories about his adventures, but he never went in depth. Ben said he didn't want Eli to get to scared.

Lastly, no looking for Dad.

Eli didn't now what Dad looked like, there were no pictures around the house. Ben had collected them all and hid them from Mom, but he kept them from Eli too in the process.

It didn't bother Eli though. She just invented what her father looked like from what Ben told her in his stories.

Green eyes, just like Eli's. Short brown hair, not unlike Eli's long brown mane.

She imagined him tall, but not to tall. And muscular, but just enough to have some definition.

Eli dreamed about meeting him, coming up with different scenarios in her head.

She imagined him coming back, realizing he had a daughter. She thought about how he'd respond, over joyed at the fact that he had a child beside Ben, and one that was really his own.

Sometimes Eli imagined leaving home and looking for her father, but that was against the rules.

Besides, her leg wouldn't let her get very far anyway.

Ben, she'd ask when she was younger. "What if Dad doesn't like me?" And he'd always get the same disgusted look on his face.

"Eli, don't say things like that. Dad's awesome, he'll love you!"

"But Ben, what about my leg? Don't you think..." Ben would glare at the thought of she was suggesting.

"Elizabeth! Dad won't care about your leg! He'll love you anyways, just like I do."

Usually, Ben cleared up Eli's worries pretty quickly. He only ever needed a few words to make her calm and confident again.

So Eli believed him. And she believed that her father wouldn't treat her any different then he would his son. Kids at school would tease and make fun of her, and Ben would take care of them, stopping it almost before it began. And each time, Eli remind herself that her father loved her anyway.

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