Chapter Four

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Eli woke up around three in the morning, when the moon still lit up the backroad Mr. Smith had taken. There weren't any lights along this road, so the moon and Mr. Smith's truck headlights were the only things lighting up the poorly paved road.

Eli raised her head bit to look out the window at the dark landscape as fields and trees rushed by. Mr. Smith had told her the trip would take about eleven hours of driving, not counting for any stops they made or other obstacles they ran into.

"Mr. Smith?" Eli turned her head and sat up, not feeling tired anymore after her five or so hour nap. "Mr. Smith?" She repeated, cringing when her teacher snapped out of whatever daze he'd been stuck in.

"Yeah Eli?" He shook his head again, reaching for his energy drink sitting in the middle console. Eli took her own and grabbed a bag of chips from the stash there as well.

"I was just wondering," Eli took a sip of her drink and opened her bag of chips. "Why exactly are we going to Kansas?" Eli sank back into the black leather seat and propped her feet up on the dashboard. Well, foot; she couldn't quite get her left leg up after having it sit still for the whole drive. She winced as she stretched it as much as possible before grabbing her ankle with both hands and heaving it up next to her right foot.

Mr. Smith watched her, not even needing to hide a look of pity. One of the reasons Eli liked Mr. Smith so much was because he didn't ever treat her differently because of her leg, and he never gave her that sympathy glance like others did. In more ways than one, Mr. Smith was a lot like Eli's brother, Ben.

"I told you already," He cleared his throat and returned his attention to the road. "Ben told me to get you to some of our friend there. He thinks it's the only place you'll be safe."

Eli pinched her face and looked forward as well. Ben was a decent hunter, he never ran from a challenge. What could possibly be so bad that Ben felt Eli had to go somewhere else? Her brother never liked Eli being out of reach, especially if he felt there was a threat nearby.

Eli sighed and flopped her head back into the headrest and turned to watch the scenery go past her window, trying to ignore the concern for her brother, and for her mother.


"Eli, wake up kiddo," Mr. Smith flicked her shoulder, and for a second after opening her eyes, Eli panicked. She sat up shakily and quickly, almost knocking her head against the windshield before losing her balance.

Mr. Smith chuckled at her confused state before she finally got a hold on her bearings. "I'm going to run inside, do you want anything?" He threw open his door and dropped out, pausing for her answer at the opening. He raised his eyebrow at her silence.

"I-I'm o-o-okay. I-I don't n-need anyth-thing," she stuttered, rubbing at her eyes and stretching a bit. Mr. Smith nodded curtly before closing his door.

"I'll be back in a minute," Eli watched him leave, stretching her arms behind her back. She turned her attention to her leg, wincing as she manually pulled it off of the dashboard.

The sun was just up, a quick glance at her phone told Eli that it was about five am. Theoretically, they should be almost there if not there already. We're definitely in Kansas though, Eli noticed the sign above the gas station Mr. Smith had stopped at.

Eli adjusted her position in her seat so she could see Mr. Smith inside the store. He was standing at the counter, waiting for the teenager at the register to take his money. Eli's attention, however, was drawn to the man watching Mr. Smith from a few rows away. He looks fricken creepy, Eli noticed. The men was covered in black, inky tattoos that followed some secret pattern Eli wasn't aware of, and as far as Eli could see, they covered his whole body.

Eli turned her attention back to Mr. Smith, making eye contact. Mr. Smith held his finger up to his lips, glancing back at the man Eli had noticed. Eli raised her eyebrow as more men suddenly appeared, all of them watching Mr. Smith. The man himself seemed aware of their presence, and Eli noticed him reaching for his shotgun.

Oh Shi- Eli pressed herself back into her seat when Mr. Smith suddenly spun around and whipped out his shotgun, shooting the first man right through his skull. Eli froze, unable to turn away as the man fell to the ground, leaving a gory mess behind him. Before she could recover, Mr. Smith fired off three more shots, dropping more of the strangers.

Eli hah been on a few hunts with her brother, and she was no stranger to death. But Ben had always been careful about making her close her eyes if there was going to be a bloody killing. She'd never seen a man literally lose his head, nor the mess of brain and blood that was left behind.

She was still lost in herself when Mr. Smith ran into the truck and threw open the door. "Eli! Snap out of it!" He yelled as he pulled himself into the truck, starting it and closing his door on a tattooed hand simultaneously.

Eli shook her head, shrieking when one of the men collided with her door and slammed into her window. He glared at her, smiling evilly before Mr. Smith slammed his foot on the gas pedal and the truck took off.

"What the heck were they?!" Eli yelled, slightly out of breath. She leaned forward, bracing her arms against the dashboard while she tried to calm herself down. She glanced at the rear view mirror at the men quickly growing smaller as they drove away.

Mr. Smith cleared his throat, and Eli noticed that he too was slightly out of breath. "I think they're the monsters that took your mother." He coughed and Eli fumbled for one of the bottles of water in the cooler at her feet. Finally getting the thing opened, she shakily handed it to Mr. Smith who took it gratefully. He tipped to her as if making a toast before taking a gulp and downing half the bottle.

When he finished, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and let the truck slow down a bit closer to the speed limit. "They're called Djinn. I think they're what your brother went after." He glanced at Eli. "We need to get to our friend's place. These things are dangerous, and I don't exactly have everything I need to take down as many as it looks like are after yo-us."

Mr. Smith returned his attention to the road, and Eli sat back in her seat. She had more questions, but it was obvious that now was not the time to ask them.

She winced as she attempted to re-situate herself into a more comfortable position. Her leg was acting up, already severely worse than it had been before they left Indiana. She groaned as she realized that, in her hurry to pack, she had completely forgotten to grab her bottle of pain pills. She hadn't needed them for a while, Ben was teaching her to a bit more independent from them. But the level of agony shooting up her leg now made her wish she had them on hand anyway.

Mr. Smith turned his head toward her, a look of concern on his face as she gritted her teeth together. Just as he opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong, Eli watched a semi-truck slam into the driver's side of theirs.

...Haven't posted a new chapter in a while...

Um... oops...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2016 ⏰

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